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随着当今社会的飞速发展,掌握英语已经成为衡量新世纪人才能力的一个标准。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了小学六年级上英语第1单元测验卷,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!



( )1.There ________a lot of people in the street on that day.

A.was B.were C.is

( )2. There’s ________American student in my class, she is girl.

A. an, a B. a, an C. an,the

( )3.A policeman pointed ________the thief(小偷)

A.at B.to C.do

( )4.One day ,two young men ________the Queen(皇后)。

A.visit B.visited C.visits

( )5.This morning ,she ________a card.

A.get B.gets C.got

( )6. The king walked through the city________ his new clothes.

A. on B. in C. for

( )7. She watered the flowers________ .

A. tomorrow B. sometimes C. yesterday morning

( )8. One day, the little girl ________her grandma in the forest.

A. visits B. visited C. visit

( )9. A: Bobby, it’s your________ . What’s next?

B:Then,the kind girl saved the prince and she________ foam(泡沫)。

A. turn, turns into B. turn, turned into C. turned, turn into

10.An American cowboy likes wearing________ and a Scottish man likes wearing .

A. jeans, a kilt B. a kilt, jeans C. jeans, kilt


1. 很久很久以前________ 2.试穿________3许多________ 4.拜访国王。________5.在街上________ 6.laugh at him________7.What beautiful clothes!________ 8.walk through________9.make new clothes________ 10.tell a story________


1. clothes , boy, the , liked , new(。)


2. were, a lot of , street , people , in , the , there(。)


3. student , a . sentence , each , says(。)


4. mountain , was, there, house , a , on , the (。)



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