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英语是一种语言,不是记住了单词、词组、句型和语法项目就是把它学好了,关键在于使用语言,所以在学习英语时一定要注意听、说、读、写、译全面发展。威廉希尔app 为大家分享了一篇六年级英语上册第三单元综合测试卷,希望能帮助到大家!


A.tonight B.tomorrow C.dictionary D.next week E.see a film

F.comic book G.take a trip H.word book I.wash clothes J.make a snowman

1.时间________________ 2.活动_______________3.书刊________________


can doing is do

1.What’s he__________now? 2.What are they going to_________soon?

3.What__________Tom doing? 4.Can you sing?-Yes, I__________.

Where How Why What When

1.-_______are you going to the park by bike?-Because my home is near the park.

2.-_______is Mike going tomorrow morning?-He is going to the cinema.

3.-________do you go to school?-I go to school by bus.

4.-____are you going to do after school?-I’m going to read books with my mother.

5.-________is Amy going to the bookstore?-Next weekend.

6.-________are the boys going to do?-They are going to swim.

7._________ is Tom going this evening?-He is going to the cinema.

8.-________are you going to the library?-At 5:00 this afternoon.

9.-________many students in your classroom.-58.

10.____are you going to the bookstore?-Because I want to buy some comic books.


1.I’m going to the supermarket________(and with) my mum .

2.Sarah______(is are) going to see a film. 3.Amy can______(see seeing) a fim.

4.Amy is going to_______(take/ go) a trip. 5.Let’s_______(go going) shopping.

6.Wu Yifan is going to________(see visit) his grandparents.

7.I’m going to have___(a an) English lesson. 8.How____(doare)you go to school?

9.What are you going to do________(in on) your lesson?

10.He is________(fish fishing) now. 11.He is going________(fish fishing) now.

12.Do you often__________(read reading) books every day?


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