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学英语不是难不难的问题,是你肯不肯下功夫的问题!威廉希尔app 小编为大家分享的六年级英语上册第三单元练习题,希望对大家有帮助!


1. see my grandma____________

2. on the ground________________

3. on the ship_________________

4. June 12th__________________

5. summer holiday____________

6. some places_______________

7. strong wind________________

8. heavy rain________________

9. be bad for______________

10. be full of_______________


( ) 1.A.cloudy B. house C.cow D. Slow

( )2.A.place B. take C. lake D.rain

( )3.A. earth B.ear C.pear D.dear

( )4.A.dry B.try C.cry D.day

( )5.A.blue B.cook C.book D.full


1.It’s nice outside, _____(be not) it?

2.What will the weather______(be)like tomorrow?

3.It will______(be)cloudy.

4.What are you going to____(do)tomorrow?

5.I am going to_____(see) my grandma.

6.The winter holiday is_______(come).

7.You can_____(swim)in the sea.

8.The earth is______(get) warmer.

9.That will ____(be) bad for the people here.

10.In some dry places the ran ______(make) lakes full of water.


1. It’s nice outside,_____it?

A.is B. do C.was D.isn’t

2. What will the weather____like tomorrow?

A. is B. are C.be D.was

3. It will______sunny.

A. is B. are C.be D.was

4. What are you going to _____ tomorrow?

A. do B.does C. did D.be

5. The rain is______all around.

A. rains B.rain C.to D.raining

6. It rains _____flowers and ______me.

A.on;in B.in;on C.on;on D.in;in

7. I am going to Hainan_____my parents.

A. in B. to C. on D.with

8. In some places, the water in the see will____hotter.

A. is B. are C.be D.was

9. That will be bad______the people here.

A. in B. for C. on D.with

10. The rain makes lakes full_____water.

A. in B. to C. on D.of


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