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想要学习好英语就必须要多听,多读,多做题。威廉希尔app 为大家分享了六年级英语上册第三单元测试题,希望能帮助大家提高英语水平!


1、My parents are going to_____(看电影)tonight.

2、There are many______(连环画册)in our school library.

3、Where are you going_____(下周)?

4、We are going to_____(去旅行)on Saturday.

5、How can I get there?You can get there____(坐地铁)。


( )1.A: What are you going to do tonight?

A今天   B今晚   C明晚

( )2.B: I'm going to see a film.

A电影   B 电视   C看电影

( )3.A: What are you going to do next week?

A下周末   B晚上   C下周

( )4.B: I'm going to Beijing, Howabout you?

A 大约   B关于   C ……怎么样?

( )5.A: I'm going to visit my grandparents.

A.看到   B.拍照   C拜访


( ) 1. I am going to _____ my grandparents next week.

A. visit   B. visits   C. visiting

( ) 2. What are you going ______ on Sunday morning?

I am going to run in the park.

A. to   B. to do   C. doing

( ) 3. I’m going to buy an ______.

A. comic book

B. English book

C. story book

( ) 4. Have a good time!________

A. Thank you.   B. Good.   C. Yes.

( ) 5.How is Amy going tomorrow?___________

A. Beijing

B. By plane

C.On the weekend

( )6.________ are you going?

I’m going to the cinema.

A. What   B. Where   C. When

( )7.I'm going to visit my grandparents______.

A. on Saturdays

B. this weekend

C. last weekend

( )8.Why not___ on Tuesday?

A. to go   B. go   C. going

( )9.I am going to buy a comic book____ space.

A. and   B. with   C. about

( )10.Sarah_____ going to buy a book this afternoon.

A. is   B. am   C. are


A:_______ are you going this afternoon?

B:I am going to the bookstore.


B: I'm going to buy a dictionary.

A:__________ are you going?

B: I'm going at 4 o'clock.

A:________ are you going there?

B: I'm going there by bike.

A: _________are you going with?

B:I am going there with my sister.


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