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I. 听辨单词或短语。(共10小题,计10分)

A) )听录音,从A,B,C中选出与你所听内容相符的图片。听两遍。

B) )听录音,从A,B,C中选出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。

( ) 6. I am going on a trip. I feel so _______.

A. exciting B. excited C.excuse

( ) 7. It’s raining. Put on your raincoat and ______.

A. books B. drinks C. boots

( ) 8.Summer holiday is coming. It starts from _____.

A. June B. July C. January

( ) 9. Sometimes I play the ______ after school.

A. volleyball B. violin C. village

( ) 10. Sarah usually goes to school _____ minutes earlier than us.

A. sixteen B. thirteen C. twenty

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( ) 16. Sarah usually goes to school by bike.

( ) 17. The cinema is south of the post office.

( ) 18. John is heavier than Mike.

( ) 19. Amy is sad because she failed the Chinese test.

( ) 20. They get up at the same time.

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A) 听一段短文。按所听内容的先后顺序,用1、2、3、4、5给下列图片编序号,填在相应题号的括号里。听三遍。

21. ( ) 22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( )

B) 听一段电话录音,判断以下句子的正(T)误(F)。听三遍。

( ) 26. Jenny is making a phone call.

( ) 27.Jenny isn’t at home now.

( ) 28. Karen has got a bedroom for Jenny.

( ) 29.Jenny must take a bed with her.

( ) 30. Karen wants some books and magazines.

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A) 看图,选词填空。请将正确的单词填写在横线上。

31. I ___________ (read/ readed) a new book yesterday.

32. --- Are there a pair of _______(shoes/shoe) under the bed?

---Yes, there are.

33. Ms Wang _________(teach/teaches)us English.

She is a wonderful teacher.

34. John likes ________ (playing the violin/to play violin).

35. My birthday is in April. And Mary’s birthday is in next month.

Her birthday is in____________(May/March).

B) 读短文,根据上下文及图示,用恰当的单词填空,注意使用单词的正确形式,单词首字母已给出。

It’s summer. It’s very hot. Zoom and Zip (36) s_______ in the lake.

It’s fall. Zoom and Zip go (37) h_______. They have a lot of fun.

Winter comes. Zoom and Zip don’t skate. They (38 )s_______.

(39)S______ comes. Zoom and Zip wake up.

They fly (40) k _______.

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从A,B,C中选择最佳选项, 将其代号填在题前的括号里。

( ) 41. --- When is ________? --- It’s December 25th.

A. New Year’s Day B. Christmas Day. C. Children’s Day.

( ) 42. ---Excuse me, _____________?

---Go straight for five minutes and then turn right.

A. Is there a Xinhua bookstore near here?

B. How can I get to Xinhua bookstore?

C. Are you going to Xinhua bookstore?

( ) 43. ---_______is it today? ---It’s Monday.

A. When B. What day C. What

( ) 44---What’s your ________? --- I like reading.

A. job B. pen pal C. hobby

( ) 45. --- I’m going to be a ________ like Mo Yan.

A. actor B. writer C. TV reporter

( ) 46. --- _________ sheep are there on the farm? --- Ten.

A. How much B. How many C. What

( ) 47.--- I’m going to Hainan for holiday next week. ---_________.

A. Have a good time B. You’re right. C. Goodbye

48. ---It is sunny and hot in Yichang. ___________Wuhan?

--- It’s very hot.

A. What’s B. How about C. Is it

( ) 49. --- What did you _______last Sunday? ---- I _____a comic book.

A. bought, bought B. buy, bought C. bought, buy

( ) 50. Which of them is not Chinese Zodiac(生肖)?

A. horse B. cat C. rabbit

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Assistant: Good afternoon. ______51__________


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