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英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 一些人认为低地苏格兰语是与英语最接近的一个独立语言,而一些人则认为它是英语的一个方言。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了六年级英语下册第七模块单元试题,希望能对大家有所帮助。


一、 写出下列单词的相应形式。

1. fly(过去式)_________ 2.become(过去式)___________

2. spend(过去式)_________ 4.our (同音词)_____________

5. son(同音词)___________ 6.made(原形)_______________

7.is(过去式)_____________ 8.came(原形)________________

9.buy(过去式)_____________ 10.went(原形)_______________


1.太空旅行_______________ 2. 制作一段录像 ___________________

3. 为……感到自豪 ____________________

4. 成为一名飞行员 ______________________

5.在餐馆吃饭 ____________________

6. ten years old _____________ 7.twenty-one hours ____________

8. lots of animals _____________ 9. come back _______________

10. go to the zoo ______________


1. Yang Liwei is a p________.

2. She was very p_________ of her son .

3. Last night, we w________ home at 11:30.

4. I want to f________ into space someday.

5. My mother m_________ a birthday cake for me.

6. There are 24 h__________ in a day.


一 二

( )1.man A. last

( ) 2.son B. woman

( ) 3.fist C. daughter

( ) 4. old D. sad

( )5. happy E. young


( ) 1. Shenzhou5 _______ into space with Yang Liwei.

A. fly B. flew C. fly to

( ) 2. Yang Liwei ________ about twenty-one hours in space.

A.spend B. spent C.gave

( ) 3. I ________ to the zoo yesterday.

A. go B. went C. goes

( ) 4.He often _______ TV on Sunday

A. watches B. watches C.watched

( ) 5. They are __________ books now.

A.read B. reading C.reads

( ) 6. What’s it _________.

A.in B. at C.about

( )7. These are Betty’s books. ____________, please.

A.give it to her B. give them for her C.give them to her

( ) 8. When _______ you _______ to China? In 2002.

A.did come B. do come C. are coming

( ) 9. My mother will buy a new bike ________ me next week.

A. to B. for C.at

( ) 10.There are 60 minutes in ________ hour..

A. a B. an C. /


One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car,


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