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如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了新版牛津六年级英语下册Unit7测试题,希望能对大家有所帮助。


听 力 部 分(共30分)


( )1. A.go to Beijing by plane B. go to Beijing by train C. go to Nanjing by plane

( )2. A. visit Grandma B.visit Grandpa C. visit grandparents

( )3. A.go in July B.go to Taipei C. go there

( )4. A. play with his toy B. play with her toy C. play with this boy

( )5. A. I want to travel arund the world. B.I want to travel around the UK.

C. I want to travel around the US.



( )1. A. He will visit Beijing. B. I will visit my teacher in Beijing . C. I was in Beijing .

( )2. A. Yes , it is . B. No , he won’t . C. No , he didn’t .

( )3. A. I will go to Shanghai . B. I will go on Sunday. C. She will visit Ocean Park .

( )4. A. He will stay there. B. She will stay there for a week .

C. He will stay there for a week .

( )5. A. I will go in June. B. We will go to Shanghai. C. He will stay there for two days.


1. The children are about their for the weekend.

2. Where they go for the ?

3. will go to London .

4. How will she at home ?

5.The will stay there for a .

笔 试 部 分(共70分)


( )1. boy who ( )2. joy toy

( )3. play stay ( )4. full bus

( )5. China with ( )6. flower enjoy

( )7. boy enjoy ( )8. snow down

( )9. hair chair ( )10. pair their


1. 暑假计划 6. travel around the world

2. 待在那里 7. go with you

3. 假期后 8. show you some photos

4. 住在北京 9. go in July

5. 谈论 10. take a plane


1. Let’s make some ( plan ) for this term .

2. Welcome back ( school ) .

3. I’ll stay in Guangzhou for two ( week ) .

4. The idea ( sound ) good .

5. I will ( no ) go shopping on Sunday.

6. My family ( be ) in Hong Kong now .

7. I want ( see ) Ocean Park .

8. Please show ( we ) your pictures .

9. I will ( am ) busy this weekend .

10. Look , she is ( Mike ) grandmother .


( )1. She goes to watch a film after school .

A.some times B. sometimes C. some time D. sometime

( )2. A: you happy during the holiday ? B: Yes , I .

A.Were ; was B.Was ; were C. Was ; was D.Were ; were


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