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如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 为大家准备了六年级英语毕业检测卷,希望能对大家有所帮助。





( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Ⅲ.听问句,选答句。将正确答案序号填在括号内。 (每题1分,共8分)

( ) 1. ( ) 2.

( ) 3. ( ) 4.

( ) 5. ( ) 6.

( ) 7. ( ) 8.

Ⅳ.听短文,判断正误。正确打“√”, 错误打“×”。(每题1分,共6分)

1. Simon and Daming read a book about Chinese food.

2. Their dad bought the book for him.

3. They made a model of Chinese spaceship.

4. The spaceship took a bird,a dog, a rabbit into space first.

5. The spaceship took Yang Liwei into space in 2003.

6. Yang Leiwei was the first man in space all over the world.



( ) 1.In Guangzhou,it’s going to __ _ tomorrow.

A.be rain B. rain C.raining

( ) 2. We were wet, hungry and angry ________ the ducks

A. at B. with C. to

( ) 3. He is eating dinner, _____ then the telephone rings.

A. and B. but C. or

( ) 4. My friend _____ a birthday present for me last Sunday.

A. buy B. buys C. bought

( )5. Lingling some cups for the baseball game.

A. bring B. brought C.brings

( )6.A:Who can help me? B: .

A.Sorry I can’t. B.Yes, I will. C.No,I won’t.

( )7. The hot dog good.

A.look B.looked C.looks

( )8.Why are you laughing? it is very funny.

A. And B.But C.Because

( )9. They are going to our sandwiches.

A.eating B.eat C.ate

( )10.ShenzhouV flew into space. Everyone was very .

A.angry B.excited C.sad

( )11. It is raining. I haven’t got umbrella, so I am .

A.wet B.naughty C.clever

( )12.He is playing the trumpet but then the telephone .

A. ring B.rings C.rang

( ) 13. There _______a big lake and there ________lots of ducks.

A.were…was B. are….are C. was…were

( )14.—Here’s your food.

A.Thank you. B.Enjoy your meal. C.It’s a nice day.

( )15.Helen said,“Blind people are people.”

A. deaf B.clever C. normal


1、I’ve got lots of (录像带)about Chinese music.

2、They made a Chinese .(宇宙飞船)

3. There were lots of __________(鸭子) under the tree.

4. Look! The oranges are falling down the __________(楼梯).

5. In this photo, the sun is .(照耀)

6. Helen Keller was __________(聋的).So she couldn’t hear.

7. I went to the _______(超市)with my mother.

8 .Look! All the balloons (飞) away.

9. We are going to take a birthday (聚会).

10. YangLiwei (渡过)about 21hours in space.



1.A: ___________________? 2. A: ________________.


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