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也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了外研版六年级英语下册第一单元测试题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!



( )1.A.chickenB.hot dog C.bambooD.noodles

( )2. A.bananaB.apple C. fruit D.pear

( )3. A.monkeyB.pandaC.bearD.pear

( )4.A.thirteenB.thirdC.eightD.thirty

( )5.A.shirtB.skirtC.purseD.sweater

( )6. A.BeijingB.friendC.Harbin D. Shanghai

( )7. A.knifeB.shortC.longD.tall

( )8. A.motherB.doctorC.nurseD.teacher

( )9.A.footballB.basketballC.yellowD.table tennis

( )10. A.sixB.sevenC.elevenD.book


( )1.Do you want some rice?

A..Yes ,I want. B. Yes, I do. C. No,you don’t

( )2.How______hot dogs do you want?

A. much B. many C. Some

( )3.How______are they? They’re 12 dollars.

A. much B.manyC.any

( )4.-What do you want_______?-A cola.

A. to eat B.to drink C.to take

( )5.Amy wants three_______, and you?

A. cola B. colas C. Colaes

( )6. –How much is it?-______.

A. It’s three dollars and seventy-five cents. B. It’s three dollar and seventy-five cent.

C. It’s three dollars and seventy-five cent.

( )7. Can I help you? A cola________me,please.

A. for B.at C.in

( ) 8..What______ you want ? ---A hot dog ,please

A. do B. does C. is

( )9.A hot dog______ good.

A .look B .looking C .looks

( )10.How much ______ they ?ten yuan.

A .be B . are C . Is

( ) 11. ________ are these bananas ? They are $ 20.

A. How many B. What C,How D. How much


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