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小学各科目的学习对同学们提高综合成绩非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家整理了小学六年级英语上册期末测试题,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!

一、 按字母表顺序写出Ff到Mm的大小写形式。8%(每个1 分)


exercise         hour         bedroom          evening

(        )            (        )    (           )        (          )

go shopping                        a pair of glasses

(                         )               (                       )

one world one dream                  take an umbrella with you

(                       )          (                           )


(    ) 1. -- ________ did you do yesterday afternoon?  -- I read a book.

A. When            B. What           C. Where

(    ) 2. It takes me half       hour to get to school by bike.

A. a              B. an             C. at

(    ) 3. These dirty socks are __________.

A. Wang Tao      B. Wang Tao’s       C. Sally

(    ) 4. -- Does he often go swimming?  -- No, ___________.

A. he is          B. he does         C. he doesn’t

(    ) 5. Tomatoes and carrots are vegetables. They_______________ you.

A. are good for        B. are bad for      C. are good at

(    ) 6. --______ did you go to bed last night?  ---At half past eleven

A. When            B. What           C. Where

(    ) 7. _______ me a cup of water, please.

A. Bring         B. Take         C. Walk

(    ) 8. He often plays football _____ Sunday.

A. on               B. in             C. at

(    ) 9. This morning I didn’t have breakfast. I’m very _________.

A. hungry         B. happy          C. angry

(    )10. Sally is standing ________ Lily and Julia.

A. on               B. between           C. up

(    ) 11. Girls can wear __________, but boys can’t.

A. dresses       B. shorts      C. shirts

(    )12. How do you _______ your Spring Festival?

A. spend            B. make        C. take

(   ) 13. National Day is         .

A. March 12th         B. September 1st     C. October 1st

(    ) 14.-- ________is the girl behind the teacher.  --She is Kate.

A. Who          B. Whose           C. Sally’s

(    ) 15. -- What’s your favorite holiday?  -- _______.

A. Summer Olympics       B. Children’s Day       C. Winter


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