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各科成绩的提高是同学们提高总体学习成绩的重要途径,大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了陕旅版六年级英语上册期末试题,希望同学们牢牢掌握,不断取得进步!



(    )1、train         play        day

(    )2、call         talk        walk

(    )3、right        night       light

(    )4、loud         house       coat

(    )5、please       ready       clean


1、It’s time for English class. Please t        out your English book.

2、There is nothing in my w         .

3、Kevin likes sports and he eats well. So he is h          .

4、Kitty plays ping-pong with her father t        a week.

5、The joke is so funny. It made everyone l         .


(   )1、We’ll get to Beijing       8 o’clock        Sunday morning.

A、in;in             B、at;in            C、at;on

(    )2、It’s rainy today. You must put on your        .

A、glasses           B、raincoat         C、T-shirt

(    )3、Li Shan often         bread and milk for breakfast.

A、has               B、have            C、had

(    )4、Shall we         tomorrow?  ----All right.

A、go shop           B、go shopping     C、to go shopping

(    )5、        you        English yesterday?

A、Do;learn          B、Did;learned     C、Did;learn

(    )6、My bike          in front of the house yesterday.But now it         under the tree.

A、is;is             B、was;is          C、is;was

(    )7、----How often do you play sports?

----         .

A、There are seren   B、Yes,I do        C、Every day

(    )8、Don’t drink        Coke.It’s bad for your teeth.

A、too much          B、too many        C、many

(    )9、---Why not      with them? ---I have to do my homework.

A、to play           B、playing         C、play

(    )10、When she         8 years old. She          all the housework by herself.

A、was;did           B、is;did          C、is;does


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