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小学各科目的学习对同学们提高综合成绩非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家整理了六年级英语上册期末测试卷,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!



A.I’m sorry to hear that.(真难过)    B.How does he feel?   C.You look sad.

D. When are you going?       E.What are you doing?     F.Don’t worry.

G.Where are you going ?       H.How do you feel?

A: Hi, Liu Yun. How are you?            .

B: I failed(失败) the Chinese test.

A:           .           . Study hard. I’m sure you can do better next time.

B: Thank you. I hear you’re going on a trip.                 ?

A: I’m excited.

B:                    ?

A: I’m going to visit Beijing.

B: Oh, wonderful!                    ?

A: This weekend.


1.阅读短文,判断对错,对的打T, 错误的打F

Once an American is in an African(非洲)village.He gets on a bus and the driver takes out a yellow ticket. “You’d better(你最好)buy a yellow ticket,”the driver says to him,“It is one doller(元).I have two other kinds.The red one is fifty cents(分)and the green one is ten cents.”“Then I want a green one,”the American says to the driver.

The bus start(出发).Now it is growing dark(黑暗) and the bus begin to go up(穿过) a mountain.Suddenly,the bus stops.“Yellow ticket passengers(乘客)stay in the bus.Red ticket passengers,get out and walk.Green ticket passenger,get out and push the bus.

(  )1.An American takes a bus in an African village.

(  )2.He buys a yellow ticket.

(  )3.Ayellow ticket is one cent.

(  )4.Red ticket passengers can stay in the bus.

(  )5.The American must get out and push the bus.


Mr Smith is an old writer.It is Sunday.He comes to a small town.He goes into the Store.“Can I look at the book on the left?”Mr Smith says to the salesgirl. The girl doesn’t anwer.The writer asks again,but the salesgirl still doesn’t answer.“Oh,I’am old,”says the writer, “This is not a salesgirl.It is a plastic(塑料的)model.”“What? Iam a plastic model? the salesgirl shouts to the writer. ”“Oh,sorry.This is not a plastic model.Try must be a robot!”With these words the writer goes away. The salesgirl stands there.Her face turns red.

(    )1.Mr Smith is a____________

A. Writer   B. driver   C. Salesgirl

(    )2.Mr Smith wants to __________.

A. look at the girl  B.look at the book   C. look at the robot

(    )3.The salesgirl______________Mr Smith’s questions(问题)

A can’t  hear    B answers     C. Doesn’t answer

(    )4.The salesgirl’s face turns red because_______________.

A she is hot   B.she is afraid   C. she is ashamed(羞悔的)

(    )5.Mr Smith goes into the ___________.

A.shop         B.store         C.library.


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