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笔试 (共60分)


A          B          C         D          E

(    ) 1.People put up a Christmas tree in their home.

(    ) 2.Lingling gave a huge sweet to Dongdong.

(    ) 3.He is listening to the music.

(    ) 4.I usually wash my face at 6:45 am.

(    ) 5.Let’s go to the Underwater World.


(    ) 1. tow __ __ds         A. ar    B. ui    C. er

(    ) 2. fool__ __ __         A. ish     B.sih   C. ash

(    ) 3. dang__ __ ous        A. an      B. en    C.er

(    ) 4. pleas __ __          A. ed      B.se   C. de

(    ) 5. wo__ __ __ed       A. ris      B. rri    C. ori


(   ) 1. She wanted _____help the smaller bird.

A. to helping         B. to help         C. help

(   ) 2.My ruler is _________ than yours.

A. long            B. longer          C. longest

(   ) 3. Dongdong is _______ a pen now.

A. picking up        B. pick up        C. picked up

(   ) 4.We are going to _____ Anne tomorrow.

A. visit        B. visited        C. visits

(   ) 5.Peter is _____happy _____a bird.

A. as, for           B. very, than         C. as, as

(   ) 6. Ann walked down the stairs and Tom _________ her.

A. follows          B. following        C. followed

(   ) 7.She always _____ her bed at 7:00 am.

A. makes          B. making          C. make

(   ) 8. I can’t drink this cup of tea .  It’s too______.

A. small          B. weak          C. hot

(   )9. I ________ to the park last Sunday.

A. went         B. go           C.going

(   ) 10. The children are playing _______.

A. happy         B. happily         C. happier


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