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由威廉希尔app 为您提供的冀教版六年级英语上册期末试卷,大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,希望给您带来帮助!

Part II Writing (60分)

I. 按要求完成下列各题。(10分)

1. Let’s(完全形式)____________  2. take(过去式)  _____________

3. sit(现在分词)   ____________ 4. my(名词性物主代词)____________

5. big(比较级)   ____________ 6. tooth(复数)   _____________

7. meat(同音词)   ____________ 8. teach(第三人称单数)_____________

9. three(序数词) _____________  10. quiet(副词)  _____________

II. 单选题。(20分)

(   ) 1. Yesterday she _____ dumplings.

A. eat      B. ate     C. is going to eat   D. to eat

( ) 2. Long long ago, Jesus _____ born on Christmas Day.

A. is    B. was   C. are    D. were

(   ) 3. What would you_____ for Christmas?

A. likes     B. like    C. liked    D. to like

(   ) 4. We____ together.

A. have fun    B. have the fun  C. have funny   D.  has fun

( )5. It’s time ________ dumplings.

A. to make   B. make   C. makes   D. making

(   ) 6. The_____ animal is a pig.

A. eleven     B. eleventh   C. twelve     D. twelfth

(   ) 7. I am going to _____ the  kitchen.

A. clean     B. cleans   C. cleaned    D. cleaning

( )8. Everyone ________ new clothes on New Year’s Day.

A. puts on   B. put on  C. wear    D. wear on

(   ) 9. Yesterday I ____ the floor.

A. washes     B. washed    C. wash     D. washing

(   ) 10. ___ comes from cow.

A. Pork     B. Beef    C. Meat     D. Chicken

( ) 11. We need ______ salt., Do you have _______ salt?

A. some, some  B. some, any  C. any, some   D. any, any

(   ) 12. ______ my mother bought me new clothes.

A. Today     B. Yesterday   C. Now     D. Tomorrow

(   ) 13. I’m going to ____ my families.

A. inviting    B. invited    C. visit     D. visited

(   ) 14. Our family___ supper together in the evening.

A. have     B. has    C. had      D. having

(   ) 15 . Let’s___ the house.

A. clean     B. cleaned    C. cleans      D. cleaning

(   ) 16. Spring Festival is usually in ____.

A. March     B. September   C. February    D. December

(   ) 17. Last year___ the year of rat.

A. is      B. was    C. am      D. are

(   ) 18. ____ year are you?

A. How     B. Where    C. When     D. What

( )19. What do you want  _________?

A. does    B. to do    C. do          D. dong

( )20. ---Are you going to give something to Jenny?

---Yes, I am going to give them _______.

A. anything special     B. something special

C. special anything     D. special something

III. Look at the pictures .fill in The blanks. 看图,填空。(10分)

1. What year ____________it?  It’s the year of dragon.

2.  What was _________ year?  It was the year of the __________.

3. What is ____________?  It’s ____________ be the year of the ___________.

4. We usually put  _________and  ________ in them.

5. Everyone in my family likes   ___________   ___ ________.


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