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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑六年级英语上册期末检测试卷,以备借鉴。

听 力 部 分(30分)


(    )1. A. cloudy     B. rainy   C. sunny   D. windy

(    )2. A. packet      B. protect  C. past    D. project

(    )3. newspaper     B. paper   C. place   D. palace

(    )4. A. messy       B. miss     C. made   D. make

(    )5. A. waste       B. wait      C. wood   D. water

(    )6. A. Chinese New Year B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving D. Easter

(    )7.A. project      B. topic    C. jacket    D. subject

(    )8. A. little        B. litter      C. let     D. toilet

(    )9. A. skin       B. sky        C. slip     D. skate

(    )10. A.spell       B. smell     C. still     D. skin


(    )1. A. They go to the cinema .

B.They are farmers.

C.They don’t have any lessons today.

(    ) 2.A. I’m fine .           B.It was rainy .        C.It is cloudy .

(    ) 3.A. I visited my grandpa. B. Iwent to Guangzhou . C. I’m in the park.

(    ) 4. A.Drive so much .     B. Don’t drive so much. C. Eat so much.

(    ) 5.A. Last week .          B. Yesterday          C. Next week.


Our city __________ messy and ________because of the _______  and rubbish. To keep the city _________ ,we should do our best . We can take the bus or ________ to school every day .There is not much  ______ or _____ on Earth .We should _______ ________ .We use _________ to make bags and bottles .

笔  试  部  分 (70分)


1.浪费水__________________         2.red packets_______________

3.观看舞狮表演_________________4.cut down_________________

5.妈妈的手机 __________________6.make a poster ____________

7.在一家购物中心_______________8.on a sunny day ___________

9.许多工厂_____________________10.hold onto________________


(    )1. You can’t take ________ into the classroom.

A. the book   B.the schoolbag      C. the dog

(    ) 2.My father is a cook . He works in the __________ .

A. restaurant    B. hospital            C. Museum

(    ) 3.Let me ______  some bananas _______ the trees.

A. draw; in      B.draw ;on           C. to draw ;on

(    ) 4.It ________ Children’s Day next Monday.

A. is going to   B. is going to be      C. was

(    ) 5.I’m very happy to get an e-mail ______ my e-friend.

A.to            B. from      C. with

(    )6. I think Jim and you will _______ good friends .

A.are             B.is                    C. be

(    )7.When do we often _______ ?   In spring .

A.plant trees     B. make snowmen       C. swim

(    ) 8.Look!There’s a big stone in the middle of the road .Let’s _______ .

A. move away it .    B.move it away      C. moves away it

(    ) 9.When is National Day ? It’s on _________.

A. June 1st          B October  1st      C. September 1st

(    ) 10.We ________ a parrot show in the school this afternoon and it was very interesting .


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