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本学期的期末考试已经临近,各年级、各学科都已经进入到紧张的复习阶段。复习是巩固和强化所学知识必不可少的手段。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015年上学期六年级英语期末试题及答案,希望大家认真作答,为期末考试做好准备。





学们,加油噢!Come on!

题目 听力部分 读写部分 书写分 总  分



(一)Listening Test(听力部分)(共20分)

得分 评卷人

Ⅰ.Listen and choose


(     ) 1. A. / wɔ: tʃ/ B. / `weðə / C. / `wɪndɪ/

(     ) 2. A. / ʌ / B. / æ / C. / e /

(     ) 3. A. plastic B. project C. protect

(     ) 4. A. No littering B. No parking C. No smoking

(     ) 5. A. I visited the Shanghai Museum last weekend.

B. They saw many interesting things on the farm.

C. The weather became windy and cloudy in the afternoon.

得分 评卷人

Ⅱ.Listen and choose


(     ) 6. A.We went to the Bund. B.He went to a farm. C.She did her homework.

(     ) 7. A.It means the floor is wet. B.They mean you can’t litter here.

C.The signs are on the wall.

(     ) 8. A. It was great fun. B. It’s great fun. C. I was very happy.

(     ) 9. A.We can put rubbish in the river. B. We can plant more trees.

C. We can go to shool by car.

(     ) 10. A.I’m going to buy a lot of things. B.I’m so excited . C.I bought many things.

得分 评卷人

Ⅲ.Listen and choose(根据所听对话及问题,选出正确的答案,将其序号写入括号内)(5分)

(     ) 11. A.  Yes, she does. B.  Yes, she did. C. No, she didn’t.

(     ) 12. A.  In the park. B.  At a shopping centre. C. On a farm.

(     ) 13. A.  He went shopping. B.  He did some cleaning. C. He watched a film.

(     ) 14. A.  Wet floor. B.  No eating or dring. C. No somking.

(     ) 15. A. Make tangyuan. B. Buy some flowers. C. Have a big dinner.

得分 评卷人

Ⅳ.Listen and fill in the blanks


Last Saturday Liu Tao saw Peter’s name in the     .He wanted

to be his penfriend and wrote an      to him. He told him about his

school, his family and his      about Chinese New Year. He is going

to buy a lot of new clothes and food       Chinese New Year. He is

going to visit Peter next summer      . 16. _____________

17. _____________

18. _____________

19. _____________

20. _____________

(二)Written Test(读写部分)(共77分)

得分 评卷人

Ⅰ. Pronunciation(语音)

A. 根据单词写音标或根据音标写单词(2分)

21.  sign /            / 22. / `hevɪ /


(     ) 23. Chinese New Year is nearly, my dear! Let’s buy many pears and apples.

A      B        C                 D

(     ) 24. My mother is a teacher. She is going to visit her e-friend next summer.

A         B                   C                  D

(     ) 25. The cook is in the dinning-room to look for something good.

A                  B      C               D

(     ) 26. Now the girl in a yellow and brown jacket is looking out of the window.

A               B       C                              D

得分 评卷人



27. 很久以前 _________________ 28. turn into _________________

29. 抓紧 _________________ 30. then and now _________________

31. 进展顺利 _________________ 32. all over the world _________________

33. 砍伐 _________________ 34. protect the earth _________________

35. 红包 _________________ 36. A snow year, a rich year. _________________

得分 评卷人

Ⅲ.Read and complete


A. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子,每空一词(4分)

37.  There was a fashion s____________ in the park.

38.  We can plant m____________ trees to keep our city clean.

39.  Don’t touch! Look at the sign, it means “D____________”.

40.  M____________ of our energy comes from oil and coal.

B. 用所给词的正确形式填空(4分)

41. I ____________ (tell) him about my family yesterday.

42. Mike____________(can) write any words six years ago.

43. We use plastic ____________ (make) bags and bottles.

44. On the ____________ (two) day of Chinese New Year, I’m going to watch fireworks.

C. 根据要求填空,每空一词(6分)

45.  We can walk to school every day. (同义句)

We can go to school ____________ ____________every day.

46.  We visited the Shanghai Museum last Saturday. (改为一般疑问句)

____________ you ____________ the Shanghai Museum last Saturday?

47.   My parents are going to go to Beijing next week. (对划线部分提问)

What ____________ your parents going to ____________ next week?

得分 评卷人

Ⅳ.Read and choose

(选择最合适的内容,将其字母序号写在括号内) (10分)

(     )  48. The little boy point ____________ the king and laughed.

A. at B. on  C. to

(     )  49. –How was your holiday? –It _______________ great fun.

A. is B. were C. was

(     )  50. There is _______________ “ u” in the word “careful”.

A. an B. a C. the

(     )  51. You should give _______________ your telephone number.

A. he B. you C. them

(     )  52. _______________ these pictures of our city.

A. Look B. Look at C. Have a look

(     )  53. We can move some factories _______________ the city.

A. away to B. from away C. away from

(     )  54. We shouldn’t ___________ too ___________ plastic bags and bottles.

A. use, much B. used, much C. use, many

(     )  55. 在读“most of the time”时,我们要注意做到_______________.

A. 辅音浊化 B. 失去爆破 C. 连读

(     )  56. The chairman of China is Mr. _______ now.

A. Hu Jintao B. Xi Jinping C. Jiang Zemin.

(     )  57. 单词“plant, litter, plan, keep”在英语字典中的先后顺序是“_______________”.

A. keep, litter, plan, plant  B. litter, plant, plan, keep C. litter, keep, plant, plan

得分 评卷人

Ⅴ. Dialogue and passage (情景会话和短文)


(     )  58. Are you going to see a film today? A. It was sunny.

(     )  59. Where did you go yesterday? B. No.

(     )  60. How was the weather? C. Yes, I am.

(     )  61. Did he buy some flowers? D. I went to a park.

B.找出短文每行中的一处错误,在下面划上浪线,在横线上改正, 短文意思不变(4分)

It is sunny in the morning. Dad and I got up very early. Because we

want to go fishing. We had a quick breakfast. Then we went away by

bike. Mum asked we to take raincoats. But we didn’t listen to her. It

began to rained cats and dogs after lunch. What a bad day! 62._____________




得分 评卷人

Ⅵ. Cloze (根据上下文和首字母提示,将短文填写完整,每空一词) (5分)

There are lots of f   66    in the city. We can often see the black s   67    out of them. It makes the a   68    very dirty. Some people f   69    ill. They can’t jog in the

s     70    in the early morning .

66.            67.            68.            69.            70.


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