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光影似箭,岁月如梭。期末考试离我们越来越近了。同学们一定想在期末考试中获得好成绩吧!威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了2015-2016学年六年级英语上册期末测试卷,希望大家多练习。




1.(    )       2.(     )         3.(     )     4. (     )        5.(     )

(    )6. Tim is my new pen pal. He lives in Beijing.

(    )7. My father is a coach.

(    )8. My cousin Jack likes playing football and swimming.

(    )9. The woman is going to buy a dictionary.

(    )10. Turn left at the traffic lights.


(   ) 1. A. hiking           B. swimming       C. singing

(   ) 2. A. show            B. snow           C. now

(   ) 3. A. pen pal          B. pencil          C. plane

(   ) 4. A. play sports       B. play football     C. play basketball

(   ) 5. A. Canberra         B. country         C. Chinese

(   ) 6. A. hungry          B. angry           C. afraid

(   ) 7.A.policeman        B. policewoman     C. police officer

(   ) 8. A. coach           B. sports reporter     C.P.E teacher

(   ) 9. A. live             B. lives            C. living

(   )10. A. No.57           B. No.75           C. No.51


(   ) 1. A. He goes to work by car.      B. He works in a school.

(   ) 2. A. He likes diving.            B. She likes riding a bike.

(   ) 3. A.I’m gong there tonight.       B. I’m going by ship.

(   ) 4. A. He is worried.              B. They are very happy.

(   ) 5. A. You can go by No.18 bus.     B. I go to school by bike.


(   ) What are you going to do in your lesson?

(   ) What are you going to do?

(   ) I’m going to have an art lesson.

(   ) Sounds great!

(   ) Have a good time!

(   ) We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.

(   ) I’m going to see a film tomorrow.

(   ) You, too. I have to do my homework now.

(   ) Bye.

(   ) OK. Bye.



(   ) 1. A. foot         B. train          C. plane          D. subway

(   ) 2. A. newspaper    B. bookstore      C. magazine      D. comic book

(   ) 3. A. police officer  B. father         C. pilot           D. worker

(   ) 4. A. angry        B. sad           C. happy          D. wear

(   ) 5. A. teaches       B. tomatoes      C. watches        D. reads

(   ) 6. A. afraid        B. angry        C. sad            D. trip

(   ) 7 .A. sing         B. hiking        C. fishing         D. reading

(   ) 8. A. wear         B. where        C. what          D. how

(   ) 9. A. park          B. grass         C. flower        D. tree

(   )10.A. tomorrow     B.morning       C. afternoon     D. evening


Cherry __________(live) in New Zealand. She likes singing and _________ word __________ (填字游戏). Her father is a ____________(商人). He ________(go) to work by ___________(地铁). Her mother is a ________ ________(工人). She likes ________(play) the violin. Cherry has a __________(幸福的) family.


1. does, what, he, do (?)


2. don’t, at, red, go, the, light (!)


3. bookstore, left, turn, at, the (.)


4. he, see, doctor, this, morning, a, should (.)


5. going, Renmin Park, are, to, we, draw, pictures, some, in



A                                    B

(    )1. Where does Tom work?             A. He is angyr.

(    )2. What are you going to do tomorrow?  B. Yes, she does.

(    )3. How do you go to work?           C. He works at a sea.

(    )4. Does she like going hiking?         D. He likes fishing.

(    )5. What does your father do?          E. You should do more exercise.

(    )6. How does he feel?                F. I’m going to see a film.

(    )7. What’s your dad’s hobby?          G. Hooray!

(    )8. How can I get to the cinema?        H. I go to work by bike

(    )9. What should I do?                 I. He’s a fish man.

(    )10. Let’s go to the nature park.         J. Go straight, then turn left.


Mr Li: Good morning, Mr Su.

Mr Su: Good morning, Mr Li. You look unhappy.___________

Mr Li: I’m ill. I have a headache.

Mr Su: I’m sorry to hear that.____________________

Mr Li: Yes . _______________________

Mr Su: ____________________________

Mr Li: He works in Peace Hospital.

Mr Su: That’s good._____________  You will be better soon.

Mr Li: Thank you .Bye!

Mr Su: Bye!


Hello, I’m Bob. There are 5 people in my family. I’m a coach. I like playing sports. I go to work by bike, because it’s good exercise. My father is a police officer. He goes to work by car.He likes singing. My mother is a head teacher. She likes listening to music. She often goes to work by subway. But sometimes she goes to by taxi. My sister Jenny likes dancing. She is a factory worker. She goes to work by bus. My brother Ben is a pilot. He goes to work by subway. He likes doing word puzzles. Our family is big and happy.

(    ) 1. There are 3 people in Bob’s family.

(    ) 2. Bob’s father is a head teacher.

(    ) 3. Bod’s sister goes to work by bus.

(    ) 4. Bob’s mother often goes to work by taxi.

(    ) 5. Bob’s brother is a pilot.

附加分 4分


(    ) pal  pen    (    ) like  write   (    )think  this  (    )eat  bread


No pleasure without pain.

Better to ask the way than go astray.


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