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时间过的飞快,转眼期末考试就要来临了,如何复习才能取得好成绩呢?做题是最有效的方法。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了六年级第一学期英语期末试卷及答案,希望对大家有用。



(    ) 1. A. science         B. straight      C. street

(    ) 2. A. slow down        B. on foot     C. by bus

(    ) 3. A. next week       B. take a trip    C. comic book

(    ) 4. A. traffic light       B. get together  C. moon cake

(    ) 5. A. puzzle          B. hobby        C. pen pal

(    ) 6. A. worker         B. head teacher  C. reporter

(    ) 7. A. angry            B. sad        C. afraid

(    ) 8. A. see a doctor    B.  count to ten   C. pay attention to

(    ) 9. A. turn            B. stop          C. visit

(    )10. A. country       B. gym            C. grass


(  )1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ .

A. by ship   B. by subway  C. by train

(  )2.  _______ at a red light.

A. Stop      B. traffic      C. Wait

(  )3.I’m going to see a film _______ .

A. tonight  B. tomorrow     C. next week

(  )4.He is a ________ .

A. post man  B. factory worker  C. businessman

(    ) 5. You should_____________.

A. see a doctor   B. do morning exercise    C. wear warm clothes


(  )1.A. Where is the museum shop?  B. Where are you going?

(  )2.A.Turn left at the bookstore.  B. Turn right at the bookstore.

(  )3.A. How do you come to school?  B. How does she go to school ?

(  )4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film.

(  )5.A.When are you going?         B. What does he do?

(  )6.A. Does he live in Sydney?      B. Does he like doing word puzzles?

(  )7.A. He like reading stories.       B. He works at sea.

(  )8.A.Don’t go at the red light.      B. Don’t be sad.

(  )9.A. You should see a doctor.      B. You should take a deep breath.

(  )10.A. They’re afraid of him.       B. They’re happy.


(   ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car.

(   ) 2. A. She works at sea.  B. She goes to work by subway.

(   ) 3. A. He likes swimming.   B. He is a scientist.

(   ) 4. A .The cinema.       B. Next Wednesday.

(   ) 5.A. Yes, he does.   B. No, he can’t.


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