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尽快地掌握知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的六年级上册英语期末试卷,希望给您带来启发!

Writing Part(笔试部分)


(  )1. A. scientist   B. worker    C. coach      D. count

(  )2. A. next week  B. tomorrow  C. tonight    D. taxi

(  )3. A. cinema    B. bookstore  C. dictionary  D. post office

(  )4. A. shop     B. subway    C. train      D. plane

(  )5. A. wear      B. when     C. where     D. what

六、补全单词 。

(  )1. c_ nem _    A. o, e    B. i, a   C. u,k

(  )2.p_ stc _d    A. o, ar    B.a, ur  C.o,or

(  )3.f _ ct _ry    A. u, w    B. a, o   C.e, a

(  )4.p _l _ t      A. o, i     B. i , o   C. a, o

(  )5. c _m _c book A. a,i     B.u,o    C.o,i


a,  afraid,  do,  does,  works,  see , by,  to,  riding,  next to

1.Her father is a fisherman. He _______ at sea.

2. I’m going to _______ a doctor.

3.The bookstore is ________ the hospital.

4.Does Amy go to school _____ bus? Yes, she does.

5.My brother likes ______________ a bike.

6.Is he ______ postman? No, he isn’t.

7. ____________ he like doing word puzzles? Yes, he does.

8.The mice is _____________ of the cat.

9.They are going to ___________ their homework this afternoon.

10.Sarah’s mother goes _________ the park by bike.


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