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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑小学英语六年级上册期末测试卷,以备借鉴。


一、 单词辨音(四选一)10%

(   )1. A.many   B. plan   C. anything    D. when

(   )2.A.help     B. else    C. present    D. February

(   )3. A. children B. hill     C. live       D. sign

(   )4. A. telescope B. orange  C. volleyball  D. stop

(   )5. A. lunch    B. student  C. duty     D. excuse

(   )6. A. eat      B. bread    C. please   D. peach

(   )7. A. idea     B. near     C. theatre   D. carefully

(   )8.A.apples    B. chairs    C. ships     D. things

(   )9.A.cook     B.book      C.foot      D.room

(   )10. .A.thank  B.these      C.those     D. the

二、 翻译下列词组(中英互译)10%

1.   把球传给他 __________________  2. 禁止停车 ________________________

3.浇花和树 _____________________ 4. 今天早上_________________________

5.两幅眼镜______________________ 6. 在地上____________________________

7.我婶婶的电吹风_________________8. 三月二日 __________________________

9.一场足球赛___________________ 10. 拍照 _____________________________

11.Sports Day________________12. the 23th of January ___________________

13. blow out ___________________14. make noise __________________________

15. pick them up ________________16. different means _____________________

17. watch dragon boat races _________ 18.poin to the woman_______________

19.collect eggs ________________________20.by the campfire_________________

三、 选择题(单选)10%

(    )1、What’s the first day of a week?

A、Monday     B、Tuesday   C、Saturday     D、Sunday

(    )2、-Whose coat is it? –It’s

A. him  B. his  C she D he

(    )3、How many students have their birthdays ____ January?

A、on    B、in       C、 of          D、at

(    )4、It’s cold outside. Don’t ____ your coat.

A、 put on    B、take off   C、 take of     D、keep off

(    )5、A park keeper comes up ____ him.

A、 for        B、of       C、 to       D、at

(    )6、-Whose coat is it? –It’s

A. him  B. his  C she D he

(    )7、Would you like ____ ‘Aladdin’?

A、watching     B、watch     C、to watch   D、to see

(    )8、____ your glasses in your box just now?

A、Was        B、 Were       C、  Are     D、Is

(    )9、What ____ the signs mean?

A、does       B、do        C、are         D、is

(   )10、-Did you have a birthday party last year?  -

A Yes, I do. B Yes, I am. C No, I didn’t. D No, I don’t.


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