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学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了六年级上册期末考试卷,希望对您有所帮助!

一、选出你所听到的单词(10% 请将正确答案填题前括号内)

( )1.A. canteen B. garden C. hotel

( ) 2. A. subway B. crosswalk C. overbridge

( ) 3.A. hotdog B. taste C. smell

( ) 4.A. sandwich B. pork C. mutton

( ) 5.A. toothbrush B. toothpaste C. battery

二、把下列五句话按照你所听到的顺序排列。(10% 将序号写在横线上)

A. That’s right. How much, please?

B. May I help you?

C. Ok, a pizza and a serving of mushroom soup.

D. That comes to thirteen Yuan altogether.

E. Yes, I want a pizza and a serving of mushroom soup.



三、听问句,选答句(10% 请将正确答案填题前括号内)

( )1. A. It’s on the right of the swimming pool. B. The library is big.

( )2.A. In the playground. B. At the clinic.

( )3.A. I’m very hungry. B. Yes, a hotdog and a glass of cola.

( )4.A. There is fish and beef. B. Here is the money.

( )5.A. I’m preparing for a trip. B. You may take a camera .



( )1. A. hotdog B. hamburger C. salad

( ) 2. A. lemonade B. milk n C. water

( )3. A. office B. swimming pool C. gate

( )4. A. towel B. camera C. toothpaste

( )5. A. traffic lights B. hospital C. bank

五、判断下列每组划线部分读音是否相同。(10% 相同写“A” 不相同写 “B”)

( )1. soap boat ( )2. oats bowl

( )3. pork soup ( )4. lab hall

( )5. bird girl ( )6. art dark

( )7. pool beef ( )8. fat salt

( )9. smell lemonade ( )10. time library


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