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学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了2015学年六年级英语上册期末试卷,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!



(   ) 1. A. sings             B. signs              C. songs

(   ) 2. A. smoke             B. smell              C. small

(   ) 3. A. down              B. danger             C. dancer

(   ) 4. A. listen              B. litter               C. little

(   ) 5. A. dinner             B. dumplings          C. dance

(   ) 6. A. work              B. walk               C. wall

(   ) 7. A. messy             B. metro             C. more

(   ) 8. A. a juice shop         B. snack bar           C. bookshop

(   ) 9. A. put it on            B. pick them up        C. put them in

(   )10.A. red packets          B. read letters          C. red lanterns


(   ) 1. A. It’s on the wall.     B. It means No parking.  C. No, it doesn’t.

(   ) 2. A. No, I can’t.        B. Sorry, you can’t.      C. No, it isn’t.

(   ) 3. A. We had a big dinner. B. Yes, I did.           C. I buy some fireworks.

(   ) 4. A. Yes, we are.       B. Sometimes it is.       C. No, it’s clean.

(   ) 5. A. Plant some trees.   B. Move away the factories.  C. Drive a lot.

(   ) 6. A. Smoke from cars.   B. My dirty clothes.   C. I should sweep the floor.

三、根据你所听到的短文,用T / F判断正误。(6%)

(   ) 1. It was windy on Sunday morning.

(   ) 2. Jack and his father went to park by bus.

(   ) 3. The sign on the grass means No littering.

(   ) 4. Jack’s kite was in Jack’s bag at first.

(   ) 5. Now the kite is at Jack’s home.

(   ) 6. Jack could not fly his kite today.


A: Let’s         a poster about protecting the       .

B: Good       . Our mother Earth is sick. We        help her.

A: Let me       a circle first. It’s the Earth. It’s      , because there’s a lot of

on it.

B: Let me draw some        fish, because        makes the        dirty.

A: Let me draw two        and a        . Look, the Earth is crying.

B: Let’s         “ Who can        me?”on it.

A: OK. Our poster is        . It looks        .



(   ) 1. A. same       B. make       C. packet        D. place

(   ) 2. A. sing        B. sign        C. city          D. litter

(   ) 3. A. hold        B. smoke      C. cold          D. done

(   ) 4. A. hard        B. glass        C. parking       D. quarter

(   ) 5. A. mean       B. tree         C. idea          D. please

(   ) 6. A. bird        B. shirt        C. horse         D. word

(   ) 7. A. pear        B. near        C. hear          D. dear

(   ) 8. A. zoo         B. good        C. look          D. wood


1.在购物中心    a                     2.小心

3.请勿饮食 No                         4.在餐馆吸烟       in the

5.带手机进教室      the       phone        the

6.下星期                   .    7.保持它干净


9.看舞狮       a

10.把香蕉皮扔进垃圾桶        the                       the

11. Look, the man is throwing a bottle out of the window.

12. The sign means there’s a museum nearby.

13. We saw many butterflies around the flowers.


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