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(   ) 1. A. walk           B. worker           C. world

(   ) 2. A. mice           B. must             C. mouse

(   ) 3. A. worried        B. afraid           C. angry

(    ) 4. A. watching TV   B. cleaning room    C. singing and dancing

(    ) 5. A. pilot         B. coach            C. cleaner

(    ) 6. A. write         B. light            C. night

(    ) 7. A. left          B. right            C. straight

(    ) 8. A. bus            B. plane           C. subway

(    ) 9. A. hospital      B. post office      C. museum

(    ) 10. A. go shopping  B. go fishing       C. go hiking


(   )1.A. I go at 7:30.      B. I go by bus.    C. We go by bus.

(   )2.A. Yes, I do.        B. Yes, he does.     C. No, he isn’t.

(   )3.A. No, he doesn’t.  B. Yes, he is.       C. Yes, I do.

(   )4.A. Sure.                B. OK!                C. Thank you.

(   )5.A. Yes, we do.      B. We can go by bus.   C. Yes, we can.

三. 听音,选择。(10分)


(   )1.Jim goes to school by NO.11 bus.

(   )2.His home is not far from his school.

(   )3.He feels sad, he should read a funny story.

(   )4.His grandfather is a businessman.

(   )5.His grandma  likes watching TV.


五. 选出下面各组单词中不同类的一个。(5分)

( ) 1. A. man  B. grass  C. apple    D. tree

( ) 2.A. happy  B. ill     C. sad        D. bad

( ) 3.A.police     B. coach C. teach     D. fisherman

( ) 4.A. plane  B. cat   C. bike      D. sled

( ) 5.A. park  B.  supermarket  C. bank  D. mud


1. dictionary(复数)_____________ 6. let’s(完整形式) _____________

2. no(同音词) _____________     7. he(宾格)  _____________

3. will not(缩写) _____________   8. teach(第三人称单数) _____________

4. buy(同音词) _____________    9. there(反义词) _____________

5.I’ll (完整形式) _____________ 10.twelve(序数词) _____________


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