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英语学习在小学生学习中是非常重要的,小学生要从小打好英语学习的基础。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了小学六年级英语上册补全句子训练题,同学们需要认真作答!



1, A: _________ did you come here this morning? B: I_________ here by bus.

2, A: _________ Jim play basketball every day? B: No,but he ________ basketball with us yesterday afternoon.

3, A: How many books_________ there on the desk? B: There _______ one book on it.

4,A: Is he________ strongest in your class? B: No, I am _______ than him.

5,A:________you a good student now? B: No, I am going to _______ a good student.

6,A:________ did you go to last weekend? B: I _______ to my uncle’s home.

7,A:_______ Tom clean his room in the morning every day? B: Yes, but he_______ his room in the afternoon yesterday.

8,A: _______ there a book on the desk? B: oh, there _______ three books on the desk.

9,A:Is this room ________biggest in this building? B: No, that room is ______ than this one.

10,A:________ they teachers now? B: No, but they are going to _______teachers next year.

11,A:_______ did you have for supper yesterday? B:I_______rice, fish and vegetables.

12,A:_______ he help you do your homework every day? B: No, but he_______ me do my homework yesterday.

13,A: What_______ you going to do next Saturday? B: I _______ going to see my grandma.

14,A:Are you _______shortest in your class? B: No, Li Lei is ________ than me.

15,A: _______ it very hot today? B: Yes, but it is going to _______ cool tomorrow.

16,A: _______did you go to school yesterday? B: I ________ school by bike.

17,A: ________you watch TV every evening? B: No, but I am _______ TV now.

18,A: What ________Li Hua usually have after supper? B: He usually _______ a cup of tea.

19,A: Is Zhang Hua shorter than you? B: No, He is ________ than _______.

20,A: How many pens ________ there in your pencil-box? B: There _______ one.

21,A:_______ did you go to the library? B: I _______ there last Saturday.


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