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期中考试马上就要到了,小学生们也要迎来期中考试的紧张复习了,那么如何复习才能取得好的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015-2016学年六年级英语第一学期期中卷,希望大家多多练习,争取在期中考试中取得好成绩。



一 、选出你所听到的内容。(10分)

(    )1.  A. cupboard     B. blackboard    C. bookcase    D. pencil case

(    )2.  A. basketball   B. volleyball    C. baseball    D. football

(    )3.  A. where        B. there         C. these       D. those

(    )4.  A. storybook    B. notebook      C. copybook    D. bookmark

(    )5.  A. would        B. should        C. shoulder    D. show

(    )6.  A. January      B. February      C. June        D. July

(    )7.  A. sign         B. sing          C. song        D. some

(    )8.  A. fifteen      B. fifth         C. fifty       D. five

(    )9.  A. horse        B. house         C. mouth       D. month

(    )10. A. feel         B. film          C. fish        D. feet


(    )1. A. It is in the desk.               B. It was behind the desk.

C. It was in the desk.              D. It is behind the desk.

(    )2. A. I’d like some crayons.          B. A storybook.

C. Some crayons.                    D. I’d like a storybook.

(    )3. A. It’s in November.               B. It’s on the 30th of November.

C. It’s the 13th of November.       D. Sorry, I don’t know.

(    )4. A. We shouldn’t keep quiet here.   B. We should be quiet.

C. We shouldn’t walk on the grass.   D.  We should keep off the grass.

(    )5. A. Tuesday .                        B. The second of July.

C. A quarter to ten.                D. The first of July.

三 、根据所听内容填入所缺单词。(10分)

I know a lot about          signs in the park. They         different  things.

We must                   the grass. We shouldn’t           on it.  We shouldn’t               near the bird’s cage. The sign on the          in the park means “Danger”. We must                   from it.


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