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就快期中考试了,同学们该如何复习呢?建议同学们多背诵重点知识,多做题。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015-2016学年六年级英语期中试题,希望能够 帮助大家更好的复习所学知识。




(    ) 1. A. new           B. now           C. know

(    ) 2. A. happy          B. hard           C. party

(    ) 3. A. windy          B. sunny          C. rainy

(    ) 4. A. look at         B. point at         C. listen

(    ) 5. A. in the park      B. in the street     C. on the farm

(    ) 6. A. English         B. Art           C.PE

(    ) 7. A. tree           B. me          C. sea

(    ) 8. A. mother         B. sister          C. teacher

(    ) 9. A. pointed      B. laughed        C. liked

(    )10. A. jeans          B. clothes        C. trousers


(    ) 1. A. Yes, Miss Li.   B. Please listen to me.  C. Yes, We can

(    ) 2. A. It’s Friday         B. It’s the fourth of the June

C. It’s Father’s Day

(    ) 3. A. Yes, I could    B. No, I can’t  C. No, I didn’t

(    ) 4. A. It’s in the basket.    B. They were over there

C. They are under the tablew

(    ) 5. A. They are talking     B. They watched TV

C. They have an English lesson.


1.--Who’s the _________one to make a sentence?

--It’s my __________.

2.--Where did you go for the __________ Day___________?

--I went to the Great Wall .It was great fun.

3.—How was the weather___________?

--It was ____________ and _____________.We flew kites in the playground.

4.—Are you cooking meat?

--No, I’m not. I’m cooking__________.

5.--Were there any mobile phones twenty years_________?

--No, there ___________.


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