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为了帮助同学们做好期中复习准备。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了六年级英语上册期中测试卷及答案,希望大家好好复习,争取在期中考试中取得好成绩。



(    ) 1. A.  light   B. right   C. left

(    ) 2. A. by   B. bus    C. but

(    ) 3. A. sheep     B. stop     C. ship

(    ) 4. A. postcard   B. post office  C. teachers’ office

(    ) 5. A. tonight  B. today    C. tomorrow


(    ) 1. A.                                 B.


(    ) 1. Amy is going to watch TV.

(    ) 2. She is going to visit her uncle.

(    ) 3.She is going to see a film with Sarah.

(    ) 4.She is going to take a dancing class.

(    ) 5. She is going to buy a new word book.


1. --- How can I get to the _______________?

--- Turn left and ________________.

2. I go to Shanghai by ________.

3. I’m going to _________________ tomorrow.

4. Mike is going to buy a new_______________.


(    ) 1. Where is the cinema?   A. I’m going to wash my clothes.

(    ) 2.How do you come to school?  B. It’s near the park.

(    ) 3.What are you going to do?  C. By bus.

(    ) 4.Where are you going?     D. At 3 o’clock.

(    ) 5.When are you going?   E. We’re going to the bookstore.


John: My cousin Jack is going to visit me tomorrow.

Amy: That’s nice!  1

John: We’re going to the cinema. 2          What about you?

Amy: Sounds great! 3

John: You can go to Xinhua Bookstore.

There are lots of comic books.

Amy: 4

John: 5

Amy: Thanks.  John: You’re welcome!


I’m Sam. Tomorrow is Saturday. In the morning, my mother is going to clean the room. My father is going to wash his clothes. My sister Alice is going to take a dancing class. I’m going to do my homework.

Then in the afternoon, my family are going to see a film.

(    )1. Sam’s mother is going to clean the room.

(    )2. Sam’s father is going to watch TV.

(     )3. Alice is going to have an art class.

(    )4. Sam is going to do his homework.

(     )5. In the evening, his family are going to see a film.


Zhang Peng 拜访他的(外)祖父母

Mike 去旅行

John 看电视

Amy 去超市

Sarah and Chen Jie 去看电影



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