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时间过的飞快,转眼期中考试就要来临了,如何复习才能取得好成绩呢?做题是最有效的方法。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了外研版六年级英语上册期中试题,希望对大家有用。


Hello,boys and girls!期中考试时间到了,你的英语肯定有有了很大的进步吧?今天让我们来检验一下,请认真阅卷,细心答题。come on!



(  ) 1. A. Chinese     B. China     C. Canada

(  ) 2. A. letter       B. better     C. write

(  )3. A. map      B. stamp     C. stop

(  ) 4. A. clever  B. chopsticks  C. collect

(   ) 5  A.mine        B.many       C  more

(   ) 6. A.mess        B.miss        C.Ms

(   ) 7. A.map         B.stand       C.stamp

(   ) 8. A.these     B.another     C.their

(   ) 9. A.woman      B.women     C.mountain

(   ) 10.A.sometimes   B.some time   C.some


(  )11.A.Thanksgiving Day   B. That sounds nice.

(   ) 12. A. No, I don’t.     B. Yes, of course.

(   )13. A. Yes, I can          B. No, I haven’t.

(  )14. A. We eat moon cakes.  B. They are famous men and women.

(  )15. A. We fly the flag and sing songs. B. We have a big family dinner.

三.Listen and number. 听录音,标序号. 10分

四. Listen and reorder.听录音,并排序.7分

(   )I am fine, too. Do you collect stamps?

(   )Hello, how are you?

(  )Great! They are very beautiful.

(  )Yes, I do.

(  )Fine, thank you, and you?

(  )No, I haven’t . But I have some stamps from America.

(  )Have you got any stamps from England?

等级 评卷人

五. 听音判断与你所听到的句子是T否F相符. 10分

(  )1.We eat rice on Spring Festival.

(   ) 2.We always have a special meal on Thanksgiving Day,

(   ) 3. I’ve got two friends from America.

(   ) 4.Daming has got a kite from Japan. xKb 1.Co m

(   ) 5.I can speak some English.


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