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期中考试是对同学们刚过去半学期学习成果的一次大盘点、大检阅,同时也是对同学们综合素质的一次挑战。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015年秋季六年级英语上册期中试题,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



一. 听读句子,选出句子含有的信息,将其字母写在括号内.( 10分,每题1分)

(   )1.A.chickens and ducks B. cows and dogs C.pigs and horses

(   )2.A. fifty    B. fifteen      C. forty

(   )3.A. his housework  B. his homework      C. her homework

(   )4.A. grandparent  B. grandma      C. new bear

(   )5.A. fresh air   B. fresh food     C. healthy food

(   )6.A. small but quiet B. small but noisy   C. quite noisy

(   )7.A. crowded and dirty B. crowded and clean C. noisy and dirty

(   )8.A. friend    B. field    C. fried

(   )9.A. take a bath  B. very healthy  C. stay healthy

(   )10.A.expensive   B. important   C. interesting

二. 听句子,写一写.(8分,每题1分)

三.听问句,选择最佳答语,并把其大写字母编号写在括号内. (7分,每题1分)

(   )1.A. Yes, they are. B. They are singing. C. No, they don’t.

(   )2.A. It’s very good. B. No, I don’t  C. Yes, it is.

(   )3.A. She is from Guangzhou. B. Yes, she does. C. She is tall.

(   )4.A. Yes, there are.B. No, there isn’t.C.It’s very crowded.

(   )5.A. I am from China. B. They’re from China C. Yes, I am.

(   )6.A. OK.    B. I don’t feel well. C. I feel good.

(   )7.A. He is in the classroom now. B. He is late for school today.

C. He had a broken leg yesterday.


1. I have _______ of _________everyday..

2. The ________ in that city is too _________ now.

3. She eats too much ________ every day.

4. In the city, there are many _________ and ___________.

5. The farmers are working in the ___________.

6. The streets are ________, but it is very _________.


(    ) 1. Ben is a boy from England.

(    ) 2. We can see a river in the city.

(    ) 3. The river is very dirty now.

(    ) 4. There aren’t any boats on the river.

(    ) 5. Ben often goes to the supermarkets at the weekend.



A. horse    B. expensive  C. August  D. rode

E. took    F. slow   G. sheep  H. April

I. wore    J. bear   K. noisy  L. January

M. modern   N. ate      O. December P. goose

Q. wide    R. healthy     S. June     T. sold

U. monkey   V. September

1. 动物 : __________________________________________

2. 动词过去式 : __________________________________________

3. 月份 : __________________________________________

4. 形容词 : ________________________________________


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