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期中考试马上就要到了,小学生们也要迎来期中考试的紧张复习了,那么如何复习才能取得好的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015年11月六年级英语上册期中卷,希望大家多多练习,争取在期中考试中取得好成绩。


听力部分 (30分)


(   )1. A.through    B. think      C.three

(   )2. A.shout    B.start    C.showed

(   )3. A.lose    B.lost    C.close

(   )4.A.pear    B.wear    C.weather

(   )5. A.cloudy    B.could    C.would

(   )6. A.laugh    B.heavy    C.high

(   )7. A.looked    B.excited   C.took

(   )8. A.fit     B.first         C.sad

(   )9. A.foolish    B.forest    C.front

(   )10. A.rainy    B.holiday    C. sunny


(   ) 1. A. I had a good time.    B. I did my homework..  C. I went to Hangzhou.

(   ) 2. A. It was great fun.   B. I visited the Shuihui Park.

C. He visited the Shuihui Park

(   ) 3. A. It’s Thursday.      B. It’s 6th November.      C. It’s sunny.

(   ) 4. A. She came to school at 7.10.        B. She comes to school on foot.

C. She came to school by bus.

(   ) 5. A. Because I want to wash the dishes.

B. Because I want to give you some stickers.

C. Because we had a fashion show.

(   ) 6. A. No, there aren’t.     B. Yes, there are.           C. No, there weren’t


(    ) 1. It was rainy last Sunday.

(    ) 2. We went fishing in Wenfeng Park.

(    ) 3. Liu Tao and I went to the park by bike.

(    ) 4. We played table tennis at about four o’clock in the afternoon.

四、听录音,完成下列句子,每空一词。 (听三遍)10分

Two days_______ ,Li Lin and I_______ to the zoo by bike. There _______ a lot of people in the park, because there________ a puppet________. We _______some interesting puppets. They_______ dance beautifully, but they________ _______.Then we________ some nice puppets.



1. Helen b________ a new dress from that shop yesterday.

2. There w________ a child crying under the tree.

3. What’s the w__________ like today?

4. There was h__________ rain this morning.

5. Long long ago, there were a lot of p          in the city.

二、英汉互译  10分

1. 度假_________________              2. 参观故宫_____________

3. 交朋友_____________                  4. 大雨_______________

5. 抓紧它________________              6.What happened?________________ 7. last National Day holiday_______________  8.come home late_____________

9. make a sentence with egg_______________  10.think hard_______________


(    )1. I often call my e-friends.  I_______ write emails to them.

A. also               B. too              C. want

(    )2. He wanted________ some fruit for the picnic.

A. buying             B. to buy           C. bought

(    )3. He __________ a lot of bottles at the party.

A. wear      B. wore      C. weared

(    )4. The teacher      the blackboard, then we learned the words.

A.points at        B. pointed at        C.is pointing at

(    )5. The blue skirt __________ you.

A. fitting      B. fiting      C. fits

(    )6. The teacher __________ us a story three days ago.

A. told       B. tell         C. tells

(    )7. It’s often __________ here in summer. Now it’s __________.

A. raining; rainy    B. rains; raining        C. rainy; raining

(    )8. Where did you go_________ the holiday?

A. at       B .for       C. with

(    )9. I called __________, but he wasn’t at home.

A. you       B. he       C. him

(    ) 10. -----Does Mike often       kites at the weekends?

-----No, but he       kites with me last weekend.

A. fly; fly            B.flew; flew          C. fly; flew


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