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期中考试马上就要到了,小学生们也要迎来期中考试的紧张复习了,那么如何复习才能取得好的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学6年级英语上学期期中试卷,希望大家多多练习,争取在期中考试中取得好成绩。



1.向外看                2.lose my kite

3.愚蠢的人              4.all over the world

5.参观故宫              6.try on

7.一场时装展                 8.heavy rain

9. 两年前              10.call her


1.come(过去式)__________________2.foolish(反义词) ____________________

3.I(宾格)___________________4.could(否定形式) ________________________

5.wear(过去式) ______________     6.did not(缩写形式) ___________________

7.sun (形容词) _________________8.tell(过去式) _________________________

9.buy(同音词) ____________________10.man(对应词) ______________________


(     )1. It’s an_______ film, we are all very ______ about it.

A. excited; exciting  B. exciting; exciting  C. exciting; excited

(     )2. —What ______ they do in the classroom?   —They drew pictures.

A. are         B. did          C. do

(     )3. —How is the weather today?—_______

A it’s windy       B It’s windy        C It’s wind

(     )4. It’s time for ______ home .Let’s _______.

A us to go , go   B me to go , to go    C we to go , to go

(     ) 5.Children usually _______ some presents at Christmas.

A. got             B. gets       C. get

(     )6.It ________Children’s Day yesterday.

A. is            B. will         C. was

(     )7. I found my kite__________ the hill.

A. nearly         B. near        C. nearby

(     )8.The holiday is coming. Let’s          together.

A. cheer          B. to cheer     C. cheers

(     )9.I         many things_______ my friends last weekend.

A. buy; and       B. bought; and      C. bought; with

(     )10. Linda       a brother, and he like         kite in the park.

A. is, fly         B. has, flying          C. has, flew


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