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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了英语六年级下册期末综合复习题,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

(完卷时间60分钟,满分100分 )


( ) 1、Where did you go yesterday?—I to Daming’s house.

A.went B. go C. gose

( ) 2、Who can help me?--

A. I can help you. B.Thank you C.Please do

( ) 3、 are you laughing?—Because I’m happy.

A.What B.When C.Why

( ) 4、How is the cake?—Five yuan,please.

A. much B. old C.many

( )5、 is it?—It’s six thousand seven hundred kilometres.

A.How much B. How many C. How long


6、It’s easy to make mistakes English.

7、I bought a book my father.

8、We are going to have a picnic half past twelve.

9、The sun is .

10、This book is spaceships.


A、go swimming B、play baseball C、have a picnic D、play computer E、play the trumpet

11、 12、 13、 14、 15、


16、are, the balloons, flying away (.)

17、are, the stairs, the apples, falling down (.)

18、couldn’t hear, she, couldn’t see, and (.)

19、the, what, is, matter (?)

20、are, what, study, going to you (?)


A:Good morning! 21

B:Yes,please. I would like a cup of coffee.

A:A cup of coffee? OK. 22

B:Yes. Can I have a hamburger, please?

A: 23

B:And I want two eggs,too.

A:All right.

B: 24

A:The yuan,please.

B:Thank you.

A: 25

21、 22、 23、 24、 25、


( )26、When was he born? A.He made the first letters in Braille in1824.

( )27、Where is my schoolbag? B.Linda can.

( )28、Who can be your pen friend? C.He was born in 1985.

( )29、What did he learn to do? D.Look! It’s under your desk.

( )30、Why is Louis Braille famous? E.He learned to read and write.



( )31、We go to see the Dragon Boat race on Dragon Boat Festival.

( )32、They are playing football.

( )33、The boy likes watching TV.

( )34、They are making a snowman.

( )35、They are starting to cross the road.



Last Sunday, Mike was very happy. In the morning. He went to a park with his friend.

They played football. Mike’s team won the game, they were excited. Then they went

swimming together. In the afternoon, Mike did his homework and read a book. In the evening, he felt a little tired, so he went to bed early.

( )36.Mike went to a park with his friend last Saturday.

( )37.They were excited at winning the game.

( )38.Mike didn’t go swimming with his friend.

( )39.Mike did his homework in the afternoon.

( )40.Mike went to bed late in the evening.


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