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Ben has a good time today. He does well in his English test. He gets an A grade. He is very happy the whole morning. There is a basketball match between Class A and his class in the afternoon. Ben scores a goal in the second half. It makes his class win 1 to 0. Ben and his classmates are so excited. They laugh and shout for a long time. When he gets back home, his throat is a little sore. And he has a bad headache after . He has to go to bed early early after eating some medicine.

( )1.Ben is good at ________                    A.Chinese   B.English

( )2.Ben is very ____the whole morning, because he gets an A grade.  A.happy  B.sad

( )3.Ben has a ______match with Class A.          A.football   B.basketball

( )4.Ben feels sick ______                     A.in the morning  B.in the evening

( )5.Ben has to ___early after eating some medicine.   A.go to school    B.go to bed


( going     happy     office     likes     taller     friend   younger   weekend    play        collecting )

Hello,I have a good ________. Her name is Lily. She is 160cm tall. She is ______ than me. But she is only 13,and I’m 14. She is _________ than me. She ________ collecting stamps. We often _________ together. This ___________,We are______ to the post _________ to buy stamps. We like _________ stamps. We are very _________.


1. Miss Li:_________________________?

Lily:  I am 45kg.

2. Doctor:_________________________?

Jack:  My leg hurts.

3. Tom:  _________________________?

Jim :  I went to Xinjing last weekend.

4. Liu:  _________________________?

Chen:  I like fishing yesterday.

5. Lucy: _________________________?

Lily:  I feel bored.

十二、根据所给的图片,说明John 上星期天去了哪里,在那看见了什么,干了什么事情,心情会怎样?请展开丰富的想象,写几句英语。(5分)




一. Listen  and  choose .

1. B. tall   2. A. matter   3. C. goes   4. B. red    5. C. sore

6. C. have  7. A. 154cm   tall  8. A. How  old  are  you ?

9. C. I  am  five .  10. A. He  did  homework .

二.  Listen  and  judge .

1. (√)  I  washed  clothes  yesterday .

2. (×)  I went fishing last weekend.

3. (√)  I  sang and danced last week.

4. (×)   LiuYun went shopping last Sunday.

5. (√)   Wu Yifan read a book yesterday.

6. What  did  you  do  yesterday ? I  went  fishing . (×)

7.Is your sister older than you ? No ,she isn’t .  (√)

8.You look so happy today .Yes , I am going on a big trip .(×)

9. I am 83cm tall. What about you  Mery ?

You are 3cm taller than me .  (√)

10. Whose  apple  is  bigger ?       Jack’s . (×)

三.  Listen  and  answer .

1 .What  did  mike  do  yesterday ?        (B)

2 .Where  is  Tom  going ?      ( C )

3 . Can  she  sing  a  song ?     ( C )

4 . How  do  Mary  and  Amy  feel ?      ( B )

5 . Is  Lucy  sad ?         ( C )


1 . drawing    drawed

2 . happy skiing

3 .toothache    saw

4 .cooked    meals

5 . visited   weekend


This  is  our  classroom . Look , this  is  my  good  friend ,Tom . He  is  15  years  old . He  is  older  than  me . But  he  is  stronger  than  me . He  is  154 cm  tall . I’m  156 cm  tall . I’m  48 kg . Tom  and  I  like  playing  football . We  often  play  together .

1 . ( × )     2 . (√)     3 . (×)    4 . (√)     5. (√)






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