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⑴ stronger  ⑵ excited   ⑶  pear    ⑷  heavier

⑸ grapes    ⑹ spring     ⑺ bored     ⑻  fall

⑼ ate       ⑽ yellow      ⑾ sang      ⑿ blue

A.tired______ _______  B.taller________   _______

C.winter _____  _______  D. learned  ______    ______

E.red _______   ______    F.banana _______  ______


( )1.My  ruler  is  ________  than  yours.

A. long  B. longer  C. taller

( )2.____is your brother?  He  is  26 kg.  He's very  thin.

A. How  old   B. How  heavy   C. How  tall

( )3.Zhang Peng looks very sad.Because he _______yesterday.

A. failed  the  English  test.    B. went  to  the  zoo.

C. played  ping-pong  with  his  friends.

( )4._______  your  brother  ________  TV  last  weekend?

A. Did……watched    B. Does……watch     C. Did……watch

( )5.Zhao  Benshan  is  a  famous(著名的)________

A. writer     B. actress     C. actor

( )6.What's  your  favourite  food?

A. Apples.    B. Noodles.    C. Yellow.

(  )7.Where  did  you  go  _________  your  holiday ?

A.in      B.at     C.on

(  )8.Did  you  go  hiking  _________  your  friends?

A.and     B.with     C.to

(  )9.What  can  you  do?  I  can  _________  songs.

A.sing    B.singing   C.sang

(  )10.想知道“今天是星期几”应该说:

A.What's  the  weather  like  today?

B.What's  the  date ?

C.What  day  is  it  today?


A:Hello, Mary. ______________________________?

B:I went to Kunming on my holiday.


B:It was warm.


B:I went there by plane.


B:I saw folk dances.

A:Did you eat any Kunming’s snack?

B:__________________.They’re delicious.

A:How did you go there?

B:What is the weather like?

C:What was the weather like?

D:Where did you go on your holiday?

E:Yes, I did.

F:No, I didn’t.

G:  What did you do there?


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