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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语六年级下册期末综合模拟试题,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!



(    ) 1. A. taller             B .tall                  C. doll

(    ) 2.A. matter            B .match                C. metter

(    ) 3.A. nose              B. rose                  C. goes

(    ) 4. A. red               B. read                 C. bread

(    ) 5.A. bored             B. ball                  C. sore

(    ) 6.A . drew             B. draw                 C .flew

(    ) 7. A . watch            B. watched              C. washed

(    ) 8 . A . together         B. weather              C. yesterday

(    ) 9 . A . Wednesday      B. Thursday             C. Tuesday

(    ) 10. A . windy          B. cloudy                C. sunny


(    )  1. A. I’m 160cm.          B. I’m 21 years old.       C. I’m 48kg.

(    )  2. A. I cleaned the room.   B. I clean the room.        C. I can clean the room.

(   ) 3.A.I am fine.            B.I am fifteen.            C.I am five.

(   ) 4.A.It’s blue             B. It’s a book             C. It’s a rabbit

(   ) 5.A.I often go by bus.     B. I am going by bus.       C、I went to school by bike


1. He_________ pictures yesterday.

2. I’m very________, because I failed the math test!

3. Sarah has a fever, so she __________ the doctor at 8:00 this morning.

4. _______   ______ some animals in the zoo.

5. Liu Yun __________ her grandparents last __________.


Hello,I have a good ________. Her name is Lily. She is 160cm tall. She is _  _____than me. she is 13, I’m 14. She is one year_________ than me. She ________ collecting stamps. This weekend,

We are______ to the post _________ to buy stamps. We like ____ _____ stamps. We are very _______.



1. thin (比较级)__________ 2.swim(过去式)___________3.September(缩写)____________   4.watch(第三人称)___________5.tooth(复数) _______________ 6.run(现在分词)__________

7.he(宾格)_______________   8.is(过去式)____________


(  )1、 ______Monday  we went to a restaurant.   A. In   B. On    C. on    D. in

(   )2.A: ____ did you go there ?         B: I went by bicycle.

A .How       B .What        C. Where         D .When

(    )3. Did you help them clean their house?

A Yes , I didn’t   B No, I did   C Yes, I did    D No, I don’t


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