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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级下册英语模拟试卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

一、Read and choose.选出不同类的单词。(12分)

(     )1、A. grapes   B.  cherries   C.  dumplings    D.  pineapples

(     )2、A.  egg     B.  frog   C.  cow   D.  sheep

(     )3、A.  shorts       B.  slippers   C.  pants   D.  crayons

(     )4、A.  purple        B.  warm    C.   white   D. blue

(     )5、A.  teach      B.   cook    C.   driver   D.   doctor

(     )6、A.  Japan     B. English    C.  America    D. Australia

二、Choose and fill in the blanks.选词填空。(22分)

1、Helen: Hello, Tom  ,This is David. David,_______ (this  that)is Tom.

Tom: Nice to meet you, David.

David: Nice to meet you,_______(too   to).

2、______(How  What) a nice picture! May I have a look?

Sure!  Here you are.

3、Let’s get together _____(on  in)Sunday evening. Wonderful!

4、Look! The boys are______ (play playing) football.

Yes, They often______ (play playing) football in the afternoon.

5、There are _________(three four)seasons in a year, and there are_____(twelve  three)months in a season.

6、Bill is ________ (healthy  weak).His mother is very worried.

7、The gym is very far from here. We should_____( by  take)a bus.

三、Read and choose.选择最佳答案。(30分)

(    )1. _______ jacket  is it?  It’s mine.



A. Who     B. Whose     C. Who’s

(    )2.What book is it?  It’s  ______English book.

A.  a       B.  an     C. the

(    )3.Where _____ you live?  I live in a lovely house.

A. are     B. did     C. do

(    )4._____!The bus is leaving.  Oh, we’re late.

A. Hurry up      B. Don’t  worry   C.  Be careful

(    )5. Shall we   ______ snowballs?  Good idea!

A. threw    B.  throwing     C.  throw

(    )6.What’s the ______ today? It’s November third.

A. weather      B. date     C. time

(    )7. How much _______ the apples? Ten Yuan.

A. am    B. is    C. are

(    )8.Would you like to go skating with me?

I’d love to, ______ I must do my homework.

A. but    B. and    C. or

(    )9.¬Hello, who’s that?  ________ Jane.

A. I am       B. This is      C. That is

(    )10. What are you going to do tomorrow? We ____grandma Li do the housework.

A. help    B. are helping    C.  are going to help

(    )11.Tom is _____.I’m sorry to hear that.

A. tired       B. happy      C. ill

(    )12. I have a headache. You’d  better _______ some medicine.

A. eat         B. take        C. drink

(    )13. Is it the _____time you come to Beijing?  Yes, it is.

A. first        B. one        C.  once

(    )14. Thank you for _____me. You’re welcome, we’re friends.

A. invite        B. inviting       C. invited

(    )15. How long may I  keep the dictionary?

As_____ as you need.

A. long         B. longer        C.  longest


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