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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学六年级英语综合模拟试题,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


(    ) 1. A. feel     B. fell     C. fall

(    ) 2. A. short    B. shirt     C. skirt

(    ) 3. A. rode    B. read     C. right

(    ) 4. A. washed    B. watered     C. watched

(    ) 5. A. before    B. become    C. because

(    ) 6. A. gift     B. give     C. lift

(    ) 7. A. hear    B. hurt     C. hair

(    ) 8. A. angry    B. ant     C. aunt

(    ) 9. A. north    B. south     C. east

(    ) 10. A. tonight    B. today     C. tomorrow


(    )11. A.      B.      C.


(    ) 16. A. I feel sick.     B. She feels very tired.

C. He feels very sad.

(    ) 17. A. She works in the library.  B. She works in the school.

C. She works in the hospital.

(    ) 18. A. No, I had short hair.   B. My hair was long.

C. Yes, I like it.

(    ) 19. A. I’m 1.64 meters tall.   B. I’m 46 kilograms.

C. I’m sleeping.

(    ) 20. A. I’m going on a trip.   B. I’m 12.

C. I failed the math test.


(    ) 21. Tomorrow is         .

A. Saturday   B. Monday    C. Friday

(    )22. Chen Jie is going to          with her classmates.

A. have a picnic  B. go for a trip   C. see a movie

(    ) 23. It is           now.

A. cloudy    B. windy    C. sunny

(    ) 24. Chen Jie          at home.

A. sees a movie  B. plays with her friends C. reads books

(    ) 25. At last, she         .

A. has a picnic with her classmates

B. goes on a trip with her parents

C. sees a new movie with her friend

Writing Part 笔试部分(共六大题,计60分)


(    )26. —How          is the dinosaur?  —Six tons.

A. much    B. tall     C. heavy

(    ) 27. Yesterday we          in the gym.

A. play games   B. read books   C. see a film

(    ) 28. Tom lost his book. He’s so         .

A. happy    B. bored     C. sad

(    ) 29. —Can you          the bed?

—Sorry, I can’t.

A. take    B. ride     C. make

(    ) 30. Happy birthday           you. This apple is          you.

A. to ; for    B. for ; to    C. to ; to

(    ) 31. Lily is ten. Jack is eleven. So Jack is           than Lily.

A. older    B. younger    C. taller


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