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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了小学六年级英语下册质量测试题,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!


一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)

(   ) 1 A watch       B wash      C teach       D dish

(   ) 2 A. snow        B. show       C. slow         D. slower

(   ) 3 A. thank     B.thirty     C. thirsty     D. think

(   ) 4. A. breakfast  B bread        C. heavy        D. great

(   ) 5. A. learn      B. listen      C. lesson       D. little

(     ) 6. A. feel    B. feet    C. will                 D ill

(     ) 7. A. thirty   B. three   C. south           Dsour

(     ) 8. A. doctor   B. hamburger   C. worker    D daughter

(     ) 9. A. sweater   B. breakfast   C. any  D   dinner

(     ) 10. A. lake   B. date   C. stay    D look

二、 根据所听内容,选择正确答案 (听两遍)  (10分)

(   ) 1. A. Ben.                    B. Jim.          C. We don’t know.

(   ) 2. A. He went on an outing.  B. He saw a play.

C. He saw a Beijing opera.

(   ) 3. A. On foot.               B. By bike.      C. By bus.

(   ) 4. A. He wants a letter.     B. He wants a stamp.

C. He wants some paper

(   ) 5. A. He is going to watch a football match.

B. He is going to play football.

C. He is going to play a football match.


Dear Ben:

Thank you for your letter. I’m very glad to be your friend.I’m  in Grade Five. I’m  eleven years old. I’m one year            than you. My hobbies are          stamps and reading. My favourite subject is English.  I can         English stories now. And I like         English songs.I have a family of three: my father, my mother and me. My parents are          . Please           to me soon.

四听录音,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)与所听对话内容相符.  (10分)

(   ) 1. Mike is going to play the piano at the concert this evening.

(   ) 2. Nancy likes autumn better than spring.

(   ) 3. Helen is going to the cinema to watch a film with her friends.

(   ) 4. Yang Lin wants to buy some birthday presents for her mother.

(   ) 5. Peter doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.


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