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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了六年级英语期末质量检测试卷,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!

Ⅰ.听音排序,将其序号填在横线上。(共10分, 每小题1分)

A. matter   B. middle  C. model  D. monkey   E. Monday

1.______    2._______      3. _______     4. _______   5. ______

A. baseball   B. birthday       C. basketball    D. became   E. blind

1. _______  2. _______      3. _______    4. ________   5. _______


(   )1.We are going to eat          o’clock.

A.at five    B.at four  C. at fourteen

(   ) 2.The students are            .

A. having a class B. having lunch C .walking after the teacher

(   ) 3.Daming is         at the party .

A. laughing  B.singing  C.playing the trumpet

(   )4.Daming wants to         .

A. buy a book  B.buy a spaceship  C.fly into space

(   )5.Simon and Daming were going to make a paper         spaceship.

A. American  B. Russian  C.Chinese

(   )6.Helen Keller was born in          .

A. 1890  B. 1888  C. 1880

(   )7.She wrote a book about         .

A. her teacher  B. the world  C. herself

(   )8.Mr Smith is          .

A. speaking on the phone B.talking to the headmaster C.reading a newspaper

(   )9.Tom is         .

A. Betty’s friend   B. Betty’s uncle  C .Betty’s  father

(   )10.They are going to         tomorrow .

A. have lessons   B. play football  C. plant trees



(  )1.A.They are going to eat at half past twelve. B.I am going to go to school by bus .   C.I am going to eat at half past twelve.

(  )2.A.Because they are beautiful.  B.Because there is an apple.  C.Because there is a snake.

(  )3. A. Your mother helped me.  B. Your mother gave it to me .  C. Your father helped me

(  )4.A.I want some nooles.  B. I want a tickrt.  C. I want to buy a book.

(  )5.A.We are going to watch TV.  B.We are going to have a party .

C.We are going to our new school.




(   )1.Yang Liwei went        a space.                A.by  B.at  C.in

(   )2.We can write        English.                   A.in   B.by  C.on


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