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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了小学六年级英语下册期末试卷,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10)

(    )1、A. taller       B. tallest      C. fall       D. doll

(    )2、A. matter      B. match     C. meter     D. mother

(    )3、A. went       B. want      C. where     D. were

(    )4、A.          B.           C.         D.

(    )5、A.          B.            C.         D.



1. Did John draw pictures?

----No, he ______ pictures yesterday.

2.I’m very happy. I went___________ last night.

3.Sarah has a___________, so she can’t go to school.

4.My mother cooked some _______ noodles for me _______Sunday.

5.LiuYun visited her grandparents last_________




(    ) 1.Tim is 5 kilograms heavier _______ me.

A. than     B. then      C. /

(    ) 2.It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time _______ get up.

A. for      B. to       C. in

(    )3.There _______ no gym in my school five years ago.

A. was     B. is       C. were

(    )4. _______did you go over your holiday.

A.  Where     B. What   C. How

(    ) 5.Bill is _______ English teacher. He likes playing _______ football.

A. an; the     B. a; /      C. an; /

(    ) 6.-When are you going to Hong Kong? -_______

A. This weekend.   B. Last weekend.    C. Yesterday.

(    )7.I often _______ TV on the weekend, but I _______ camping last weekend.

A. watch; go    B. watched; went    C. watch; went

(    )8.-The mice ______bad.  They_______ people.

A. is; hurt.   B. are; hurt.  C. is; hurts

(    )9.Teachers’ Day is in _______.

A. October     B. November     C. September

(    )10-Whose book is it? -It’s not _______. It’s _______ book.

A. mine; her    B. my; hers     C. mine; hers


(1)The students are __________________(play) basketball now.

(2)They __________________(visit) their grandparents last weekend.

(3)There __________________(be) a bed, a chair and two tables in my room.

(4)-Did you __________________(wash) the clothes last night?

-No, I didn’t.


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