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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了小学六年级英语下册期末检测试题,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!


(    )1. A.sleep     B.slept      C.sheep

(    )2. A.went swimming     B.went camping       C.went fishing

(    )3. A. rode a bike      B.ride a horse        C.rode a horse

(    )4. A.how old    B.how heavy      C.how tall

(    )5. A.I’m 1.61 metres.    B. I’m 12 years old.    C. I’m 48 kilograms

(    )6. A.stayed at home     B. saw a film       C.had a cold

(    )7. A. You look taller than me.     B. You’re taller than me.

C. You’re older than me.

(    )8. A. Did you read a book?       B. Did you stay at home?

C. Did you have a cold?

(    )9. A. We went there by plane.       B. We went there by train.

C. We went there by ship.

(    )10. A. I ate fresh food yesterday.     B. I took pictures yesterday.

C. He bought some gifts yesterday.


(    )11. A      B

(    )12. A.       B.

(    )13. A.      B.

(    )14. A.      B.

(    )15. A.     B.


(    )16.    (    )17.

(    )18.         (    )19.

(    )20.


(    )21. A. My shoes are size 37.      B. I’m 1.72 metres.

C. I’m 15 years old.

(    )22. A. I’m taller than Tom.      B. I’m stronger than Tom.

C. Tom is taller than me.

(    )23. A. I cleaned my room.      B. I clean my room.

C. I sleep.

(    )24. A. Yes, she did.      B. No, I didn’t.     C. No, she didn’t.

(    )25. A. Yes, I can.   B. Sure.      C. No, I can’t.


五、Look and choose.看图选择正确的单词或短语,并将单词抄写在各图片下面的四线格上,注意字母的大小写形式。20分

A.cleaned my room    B.stayed at home     C.washed my clothes

D.slept  E.go camping     F.had a cold     G.saw a film

H.read a book     I.took pictures     J.rode a horse


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