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1、Would,a ,party,to ,you,come , for,  Li Ming.

2、I ,to,remember,want, China , you.




4、She,in the morning,wakes up,at 7:00.


5、last night, I ,my,visited ,grandfather ,


Ⅸ、根据短文意思填空 (每空只填一词10分)。

One Day,long ①,a little baby ② born.His ③ was Jesus.Jesus was ④special baby.Many people say he was the ⑤of God.When he was⑥,a new star shone⑦the sky.Three ⑧men saw the star.They ⑨the baby special gifts.They ⑩ he was a special baby .

①         ②         ③         ④         ⑤

⑥         ⑦         ⑧         ⑨         ⑩


It’s a fine day today.We are playing in the park .There are many children in the park.Some are flying kites.Some are skipping.Li Ming and Danny are lying on the grass.They are watching the clouds in the sky.Bob and Lynn are playing catch .Jenny and Kim are swimming in the swimming pool.Where is Steven?He is sitting under the tree.He is reading a book. Everyone is having fun.

(  )1、Where are they?

A. They are in the park.  B.They are at the gym.

C.They are at school.

(   )2、How’s the weather?

A.It’s rainy  B.It’s snowy  C.It’s sunny

(   )3、What is Danny doing in the park?

A.He is skipping.   B.He is reading a book

C.He is lying on the grass.

(   )4、Are Bob and Lynn swimming in the pool?

A.Yes,they are .  B.No.They are playing catch.

C.No.They are playing basketball.

(   )5、What are Jenny and Kim doing?

A.They are skipping.  B.They are swimming in a lake.

C.They are swimming in the swimming pool.

威廉希尔app 提供的小学六年级英语毕业试题 ,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!





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