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1、buy(过去式)________        2、think(过去式)________

3、won(原形)_______          4、tooth(复数)________

5、they(宾格)________           6、one(序数词)________

7、same(反义词)________       8、scarf(复数)________

9、rain(形容词)________        10、write(同音词)________


(    ) 1、I will ____ on the beach.

A. lay   B. lies   C. lied    D. lie

(    ) 2、It is a _____car.

A. Canada  B. China   C. chinese  D. china

(    ) 3、How     do you eat donuts?Usually twice a Day.

A.many  B.often  C.much  D.soon

(    ) 4、Tonight I am going to      more sports on TV .

A.see  B. watch   C. look at  D. watching

(    )5、This afternoon,Jenny invited Danny     swimming.

A. go  B. going  C. to going   D. to go

(    ) 6、I’m      ready to go home next week.

A. to get  B. getting  C.get  D. geting

(    ) 7、This summer,I think we will       a trip to the ocean.

A. go on  B. to go on   C. to go   D. going on

(    ) 8、He wanted       basketball with a ping-pong ball!

A. to playing   B. play  C. playing  D. to play

(    ) 9、Let’s      a surprise party for Li Ming.

A. have B. to have  C. having    D. to having

(    ) 10、Happy birthday!---           !

A.right  B.The same to you!   C.Yes  D.Thank you!


1、I       (teach)Li Ming to throw and catch the ball yesteday.

2、Can you      (help) him?

3、How many minutes a day    you    (dry)the dishes?

4、Do you like     (lie) on the beach?

5、Danny said he     (want) a new car!


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