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期中考试是对同学们一学期学习成果的一次大盘点、大检阅,同时也是对同学们综合素质的一次挑战。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学六年级英语期中考试题,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。



( ) 1. A. became B. take C. make D. balloon

( ) 2. A. send B. spend C.baseball D. mess

( ) 3. A. coat B. boat C. cola D. pilot

( ) 4. A. pick B. ring C. shine D. noisy

( ) 5. A. dollar B. card C. arm D.party


1. write(过去式)__ 6.saw(原形) __

2. fly(过去式)__ 7. he(宾格)__

3. party(复数)__ 8.child(复数)__

4. wear(同音词) __ 9.run(现在分词)__

5. up(反义词)__ 10.say(第三人称单数)__


( )1.A.table B. baseball C. football D.basketball

( )2. A. gave B. bought C. have D. came

( )3. A. warm B. wrong C. laugh D.noisy

( )4. A. his B. her C. him D. my

( )5. A. hot dog B. rice C. sandwich D.sausage


1. have a picnic __________ 6. made a video__________

2. 吹小号 __________ 7. 飘走__________

3. middle school __________ 8.进来 __________

4. 打扫楼梯 __________ 9.到处__________

5. pick up __________ 10. Enjoy your meal! __________


( ) 1. You can play _____piano but you can’t play ____baseball.

A. a; the B. /;the C. the; /

( ) 2. The birds are sitting ________the trees.

A. in B. to C. on

( ) 3. Look! The boy ________after a dog .

A. running B. runs C.is running

( ) 4.It’s going to_______ in Shanghai.

A. rainy B. be rain C. rain

( ) 5.Sally is going to go to the library ____ Sunday.

A. in B. at C.on

( ) 6.I’m very proud_____my father.

A. for B. with C. of

( ) 7.A:______is the watermelon ? B: It’s four yuan.

A. how much B. how many C .what

( ) 8.Thank you for _______my mother.

A. to help B. helping C. help

( ) 9. I bought flowers my mother. A. for B. to C. from

( ) 10. It _____interesting. A. look B. looks C. is looking

( ) 11. He is going to travel_________March. A. in B. on C. at

( ) 12. The old man______ in a small house many years ago.

A. live at B. lives C. lived

( ) 13. He’s swimming, _________it’s getting too cold.

A. but B. and C. or

( ) 14. Daming’s mother bought a book and ____it to him.

A. gave B. spent C. took

( ) 15. He ____born ___2000. A. is, on B. are, in C. was, in

( ) 16. The deaf man can’t _____ anything.

A. see B. hear C. speak

( ) 17. The little girl learned ______ and write two yeas ago.

A. to read B. reading C. to reads

( ) 18. In this photo, the ducks _______ in the water.

A. swiming B. are swimming C. are going to swimming

( ) 19. He could’t _____ and _____.

A.run ,jump B. says ,sings C. walked ,ran

( ) 20. She’s _____ things for your birthday .

A. bought B. buy C. buying

( ) 21. Daming often ____his bike to school.

A. ride B. rides C. is riding

( ) 22. The bike isn’t ____. I think it’s _____.

A. mine, his B. mine, him C. my, his

( ) 23. It’s going to be ________ in Shanghai.

A. sunny B. snow C. wind

( ) 24. I want ________ a doctor when I grow up(长大).

A. become B. be C. to be

( ) 25. I wanted you _____ the balls .

A、to bring B、bring C、brough


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