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就快期中考试了,同学们该如何复习呢?建议同学们多背诵重点知识,多做题。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了六年级下学期英语期中试题,希望能够帮助大家更好的复习所学知识。


一、 听音,选择。(20分)

( )1、A: clean B: climb C: climbed

( )2、A: take B: tail C: took

( )3、A: play football B: play the piano C: go by plane

( )4、A: wash B: watch C: wear

( )5、A: buy B: bike C: nine

()6A: chicken B:chair C:chart ( )7、A: lunch B: watch C: catch

( )8、A: I’m fine. B: I’m nine. C: I’m five.

( )9、A: He’s sad. B: He’s sick. C: She’s thin

( )10、A: weak B:book. C: took

二、 听问题,选答句。(10分)

( )1、A: I went to the bookstore. B: I bought some books.

C: I bought some shoes.

( )2、A: She sees elephants. B: She saw elephants.

C: She’s going to see elephants.

( )3、A: Yes, I did. B: Yes, I do. C: Yes, I am.

( )4、A: No, she doesn’t. B: No, she didn’t.

C: No, I didn’t.

( )5、A: She’s angry. B: She’s taller.

C: She’s gong to the hospital.


一、按要求写单词. (30分)

tooth (复数) party(复数) health(形容词)

strong(反义词) high(反义词) before(反义词)

make(过去式) our(同音词) these(反义词)

light(反义词) wash(单三形式) teach(过去式)

buy(过去式) lose(反义词) beach(复数)


1. bike, riding ,is ,a, exercise

_________________________________________ 2.aren't , for, you, good , they



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