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也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了六年级英语下册第四单元综合练习卷,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!


一 、根据所给字母,写出下列单词的正确形式。(5分)

1.s n i e h (照耀) 2.n e o(一) 3.o t u(外出) ____ 4.r o w g n(错误的)

5.i w t e r(写)_____ 6.r e e h(这儿) 7.s s i m(想念) 8.e r w a(穿,戴)

9.i h g t n(夜晚) 10.w o n(现在)


1.have-- 2. watch-- 3.am/is-- 4.are-- 5.do--


When How much How Whose What

1.___ ____are you? Fine, thank you。

2. is she going to do? She is going to go shopping.

3. bag is this? It’s Sam’s.

4.___ ____are you going to eat? At half past twelve.

5. is it? It’s five dollars.

四 、短语互译:(10分)

1.under the tree 2.野餐 3.the middle of

4.in the tree 5.在星期六 6.in this photo

7.send photos 8.看起来饥饿

9.向....外面看 10.愉快的一天


( )1.What do you want? I want two____. A. hamburger B. cola C. hot dogs

( )2.____colas do you want? Four colas, please. A. How manyB. How much C. How

( )3.____are you going to go to school?—At half past seven. A.When B.WhatC. Where

( )4.____is it? It’s five am. A. What B. When C. What time

( )5.I’m looking _______ of the window. A. for B. at C. out

( )6.It is going to _______tomorrow. A. be sunny B. hot C. warm

( )7.We a very funny day on Sunday. A. have B. had C. has

( )8.The ducks are swimming the water. A.in B. on C.under

( )9.Now the train is coming the station. A. in B. to C.up

( )10. Listen!The boys _______ singing. A. is B. am C. are

( )11.We ____going to fly kites. A is B am C are

( )12.Will you take a ball? No, I _____. A won’t B doesn’t C isn’t

( )13. She will___ basketball tomorrow. A play B playing C plays

( )14.I’ll have a class___ Monday. A on B in C under

( )15.It will____ in Beijing. A be windy B windy C snows


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