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英语学习在小学生教育中是非常重要的,小学生要从小打好英语学习的基础。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了小学英语六年级下册第三单元测试卷,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!




( )1. A. October B. December C. November

( )2. A. fifth B. fifteenth C. fiftieth

( )3. A. phone B. earphone C. telephone

( )4. A. diary B. library C. February

( )5. A. blow B. grow C. brown

( )6. A. is B. as C. us

( )7. A. 1月13日 B. 2月14日 C. 2月13日

( )8. A. near the ball B. in your bag C. under the bed

( )9. A. They are on the ground.B. Are they on the ground? C. They aren’t on the ground.

( )10. A. The phone is on the sofa now.B. The phone was on the desk just now.C. The phone is on the desk now.


( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, he can’t. C. No, he doesn’t.

( )2. A. Yes, there aren’t.B. No, there aren’t. C. Yes, there is.

( )3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I am.

( )4. A. It was there. B. They were there. C. It isn’t there now.

( )5. A. They were in the desk. B. It was on the desk. C. It’s under the desk.


( )1. Where is the English book?

A. In the bag. B. In the desk. C. On the desk.

( )2. What does this sign mean?

A. It means you shouldn’t make noise here.

B. It means you shouldn’t put your bike here.

C. It means you should keep off the grass.

( )3. What day is it today?

A. Monday.B. Sunday.C. Saturday.

( )4. What time is it?

A. 9:00. B. 9:30. C. 8:00.

( )5. Where was Mike just now?

A. In the teachers’ office. B. In the classroom.C. In the library.


1. It ____________ here a ___________ ago, where is it now ?

2. All the _____________ are very _____________.

3. Su Hai wants to ____________ some __________.

4. She is _____________ ____________ her camera.

5. They ____________ there _____________ now.



1. breakfast bread ( ) 2.remember camera ( )

3. ago roll ( ) 4.bear near ( )

5. film tiger ( ) 6.there where ( )


( )1. — What’s in the garden?

There ________ a lot of flowers.

A. wasB. wereC. isD. are

( )2. My socks are on the floor. Please _______for me.

A. pick them upB. pick it up C. pick up themD. pick up it

( )3. The boys and girls are _______ the running race in the playground.

A. looking B. watching C. seeing D. getting

( ) 4 . Su Hai wants _________ football.

A . playing B . to play C . playD. to playing

( ) 5 . Ithere now .

A . wasn’t B . weren’t C . isn’t D. aren’t

( )6. — Where are your ________?

They _________ on the bookcase a moment ago.

A. CDs; are B. CDs; wereC. CD; were D. CD; are

( )7. New Year’s Day is _______ the first of January.

A. onB. atC. inD. with

( )8 . It was there .

A . now B . a moment ago C . moment agoD. just

( )9 . Grandpa ________ waters flowers at weekends.

A. quickly B. suddenly C. lovely D. usually

( )10. It’s time some water .

A. to have B. have C. hasD. having


1. 刚才_______________________ 2. a roll of film _______________________

3. 所有的学生_________________ 4. watch the running race _______________

5. 一部手机 __________________ 6. close the eyes ______________________

7. 在我的包里 8. pick them up _______________________

9. 在眼镜后面__________________ 10. Sports Day ________________________


The _______________ (child, children) are very excited.

Jane is ______________ (reading, read) a newspaper.

My cousin ______________ (have, has) a CD Walkman.

Where are the _______________? (glass, glasses)

It means we should ______________ ( keep, keeps) quiet.

My father likes _______________ (listen, listening) to the radio.

Helen often __________________ (does, do) housework at the weekends.

It ________________ (was, were ) there a moment ago.


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