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期末考试就要临近了。一提到期末考试,不少同学显得十分紧张。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了六年级英语上学期期末检测题,希望能够帮助大家更好的复习所学知识。



( ) 1. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. week

( ) 2. A. post card B. bookstore C. dictionary D. comic book

( ) 3. A. sing B. playing C. doing D. reading

( ) 4. A. read B. buy C. visit D. tonight

( ) 5. A. train B. subway C. plane D. stop


1. 看电影 2. 好主意 3.爬山

4. 放风筝 5. 做运动 6.读故事

7. look for 8. go hiking

9. on the right 10. have an English lesson


1.hobby(复数) 2. their (同音词)

3.he(宾格形式) 4. lives(原形)

5. child(复数) 6. different(反义词)

7. I’ll(完全形式) 8.study(第三人称单数)

9. swim(现在分词) 10. dancing(原形)


( ) 1. John dancing.

A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like

( ) 2. —What are you going to ?

—A comic book.

A. be B. / C. do D. buy

( )3. I like playing pipa , he likes playing football.

A. / , the B. the , / C. the , a

( ) 4. ----How he go to school?

----He often to school by bus.

A. do , goes B. does , go C. does , goes

( )5. What ____ your mother going to do?

A. is B. are C.am D. be

( )6.She likes _________books.

A. read B . reads C. reading D. to read

( )7.She is going to the park this weekend.

A.不填 B. on C. in

( )8. My mother is going to the supermarket ______ Saturday evening.

A. on B. in C. at

( )9. He likes _________kites .I like listening_______music.

A. make, the B. making , to C. making , a

( )10. The park is front of our school.

A. on B. in C. at D. under

( )11. In the evening ,I often TV at home .

A. look B. read C. watch

( )12. The light is red now. Please ______ !

A. slow down and stop B. stop and wait C. go

( )13. Let’s a bus go home.

A. take B. by C. do D. buy

( )14. There are ____ traffic lights.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

( )15. ----- _________________

-----You can go by the No. 15 bus.

A. Can I go on foot? B. How can I get to Yongming Park?

C. Where is the Yongming Park?


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