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期末考试就要临近了。一提到期末考试,不少同学显得十分紧张。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了苏教版一年级数学上册期末考试卷,六年级英语期末复习题。



一、 听音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(10分)

( )1、A. plant B. banana C. fruit

( )2. A. eleven B. busy C. green

( )3. A. playground B. postcard C. newspaper

( )4. A. magazine B. train B. taxi

( )5.A. take a trip B. the Great Wall C. comic book

( )6.A. this evening B. this morning C. this afternoon

( )7. A. pet shop B. after school C. traffic rules

( )8. A. next to B. next week C. next weekend

( )9. A. library B. hospital C. cinema

( )10. A. south B. north C. east


( )1. A. She is from Canada. B. She is going to Canada.

C. They’re going to visit a friend.

( )2. A. He goes to work by car. B. He is a TV reporter.

C. He is forty years old.

( )3. A. I go by subway. B. I go by plane.

C. I go by bike.

( )4.A .She likes collecting leaves. B. She is a singer.

C. She is cooking.

( )5. A. I’m going to watch TV.

B. I’m going to the library.

C. I’m going to buy some vegetables.


( )1. There is a post office in the city.

( )2. The post office is in front of the school.

( )3. The bookstore is on the left.

( )4. The hospital is near the school on the right.

( )5. Go straight, you can find the museum.


1. What are you going to tonight? A story book.

2. We must at a yellow light.

3. Where is the ? It’s near the cinema.

4. How do you go to Hong Kong? I go by .

5. Turn at the hospital, you can see it.



( )1. A. tomorrow B. tonight C. cinema

( )2. A. read B. sports C. play

( )3. A. time B. morning C. evening

( )4. A. dictionary B. straight C. magazine

( )5. A. hospital B. afternoon C. when


1. right (反义词) 2. north(对应词)

3. man (复数) 4. after school (中文)

5. go(第三人称单数形式) 6. dive (现在进行时)

7. shoe(单数) 8. library (复数)

9. teach (第三人称单数形式) 10. by (同音词)


1. How (do ) Tom go to school everyday?

2. Mary ( go ) to work by bus.

3. There ( be ) always three lights in every country.

4. Red light ( mean ) “stop”.

5. I like (play) football.

6. He ( live ) in the city.

7. Can he (go ) with us?

8. I’m ( go ) to Beijing next week.

9. Zhang Peng ( not know ) his pen pal’s name.

10. What is (she ) hobby?


( )1. Is the cinema far here ?

A. at B. in C. from

( )2. You can go straight five minutes.

A. at B. on C. for

( )3. I’m going to the cinema my mom.

A. for B. and C. with

( )4. ----What are you going to _________?

----A comic book

A. be B. buy C. do

( )5. ----What are you going to be in the future?

-----_________ .

A. I’m a teacher. B. I’m a singer.

C. I’m going to be a writer.

( )6. ----Does Sarah _______ TV at night?

----Yes, she _________.

A. watch , does B. watches , do

C. watch, do

( )7. _______ you like apples?

A. Is B. Are C. Do

( )8. -----What’s your _________ ?

-----I like ________ a bike and listening to music.

A. hobby , riding B. hobby , ride

C. hobby , rideing

( )9. I_______ go to school by bike . But sometimes I go by bus.

A. sometimes B. usually C. today

( )10. -----________ are you going?

----- This afternoon.

A. Where B. What C. When


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