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就快期末考试了,考试该如何复习呢?建议同学们多背诵重点知识,多做题。威廉希尔app 大家准备了小学六年级上册期末英语试卷,希望能够 帮助大家更好的复习英语知识。


笔试部分 (70%)


There are many trees in f_____ of our house.

Can you a_______ the s______ question?

We h_____ a sports day on the 3rd of A______.

On C________ day the students often sing and dance.

Is this skateboard y______? No, it’s not ours. It’s t_____.


ate public signs date camp dumplings cooked after taste funny watched

What holiday comes _____ May Day?

We _____ some noodles for our lunch.

What _____ is it today? It’s the 1st of October.

There are some ______ in the library.

Helen, come and ______ the grapes. Oh, they are so nice.

People like eating _______ at Spring Festival.

Lily and her friends ______ a lot of food at the ______.

Mike ______ a _______ cartoon last weekend.

七、选择填空。 (10%)

( ) 1. I want to listen to music. I’d like _________.

A a mirror B a phone C a pair of earphones

( ) 2. —When’s __________?

—It’s on the 1st of October.

A National Day B Mid-Autumn Festival C Spring Festival

( ) 3. Tom_______ the bus and sat down quietly .

A. get off B got up C got on

( ) 4. —Where _________ you last Saturday?

—I _____ at home.

A are, am B were, were C were, was

( ) 5. After the party, Jack opened his Christmas presents ______ his friends.

A to B as C from

( ) 6. We had a long walk in the mountains. We were very _______.

A tired B cold C pretty

( ) 7. The cartoon is very funny. I ________.

A don’t like it B like it very much C I’m sorry to hear it

( ) 8. That sign on the building means ‘Danger’. You should _________ .

A stay away from it B come in and have a look C take off it

( ) 9. —_______ are the films?

—They were here just now.

A Whose B Where C When

( )10. Oh, my calculator is on the ground. Please _____ for ______.

A pick up it, me B pick it up , me C pull it up, us

八、从B栏选择A栏的适当答句,将序号填入括号内。 (8%)


( ) 1. Where do you live? A. She is looking for her wallet.

( ) 2. Would you like a puppet as your present? B. Sorry, I don’t know. Let’s wait and see.

( ) 3. What’s Su Yang looking for? C. By bus.

( ) 4. What’s Jack’s New Year’s present? D. Of course.

( ) 5. How did you go to the zoo this morning? E. Last Friday.

( ) 6. When did David make a kite? F. I live near Ben

( ) 7..Did you see my comb? G. She visited her relatives

( ) 8. What did Nancy do last Monday? H. Yes, you put it in that box.

九、完形填空。 (10%)

It is Sunday morning. Jack and his father __1__in a big bus. There are __2__ people in it. Some of __3__ come from America and some __4__ England or Canada. They are all friends. They are going to the Summer Palace(颐和园).There are two __5__ in the bus. One is a man. He is a driver. Now he __6__ the bus. The other is a young girl. She __7__ English well. She is now talking __8__ the Summer Palace. The other people are all listening __9__ her. They like the Summer Palace. They want __10__ it very much.

( ) 1. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( ) 2. A. many B. much C. a lot D. a little

( ) 3. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs

( ) 4. A. be come from B. is from C. are from D. comes from

( ) 5. A. China B. chinese C. Chinese D. English

( ) 6. A. drive B. drives C. is driving D. can drive

( ) 7. A. talk B. talks C. speak D. speaks

( ) 8. A. about B. with C. to D. for

( ) 9. A. with B. to C. for D. of

( ) 10. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to look


A 阅读下列表格,并根据其内容完成下列对话。 (9%)


HolidayWhenWhat do people do

EasterMarch or Aprilmake and eat Easter eggs

HalloweenOctober 31dress up in costumes,

make pumpkin lanterns

Mid-Autumn FestivalSeptember or

Octobereat moon cakes, play with lanterns and watch the moon

It’s Sunday evening. Ben and Gao Shan are talking about holidays.

Ben: What’s your favourite holiday, Gao Shan?

Gao Shan: ______________________________.

Ben: When is Mid-Autumn Festival?

Gao Shan: It’s __________________________._

Ben: What do people usually do ________ Mid-Autumn Festival?

Gao Shan: They ____________________________. Can you tell me something about your holidays?

Ben: Sure. Easter is very popular in America. It’s in_____________.

People usually make and eat _____________.

Gao Shan: I see. What’s your favourite holiday?

Ben: It’s__________. It’s_______ the 31st of October. People usually______________ and make pumpkin lanterns.

B 根据短文内容选择正确答案,将序号填在题前括号内。(10%)

Mr Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.

This morning, when he was reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him said “Hello” to him and began to talk to him. “Your life is not interesting, isn’t it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr Smith said angrily(生气地).

“Because I always sit in the same seat behind you,” the man answered.

( ) 1. Mr Smith works ______.

A. in a village B. in a city C. in a town D. in the country

( ) 2. He comes back home from work _____.

A. by ship B. by bus C. on foot D. by train

( ) 3. When he is on the train, Mr Smith often ______.

A. reads books B. reads a newspaper C. talks to others D. listens to others

( ) 4. Mr Smith _________.

A. likes the man very much B. likes reading books

C. doesn’t like the man. D. has much money

( ) 5. The man knows Mr Smith because ________.

A. he is Mr Smith’s good friend

B. they work in the same factory

C. he sits behind Mr Smith on the same train every day

D. they live in the same village


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